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chapter three

‪Wednesday afternoon came quicker than Regina anticipated and even though this dinner had been on her mind since that text she still did not feel ready. Regina cancelled a meeting she had earlier in that day and drove to 108 Mifflin Street at lunch time in order to give myself time to prepare.‬

‪At the sound of the doorbell she rushed to open it. Fortunately, it was only Zelena as she had asked her to arrive ten minutes earlier than everyone else. Well, they all know Emma will arrive late so almost everyone else. After having told her sister her problematic secret, Zelena had been constantly ringing her to check how she was and if she had backed out and she really appreciated it. Her red curls were suddenly in Regina's face as she was giving me a hug. It seemed I was receiving a lot of hugs lately Regina thought.‬

‪After half an hour of Regina trying to get Zelena away from the table in case she ate all the food, or somehow turned everything in her house green, Snow, Charming and baby Neal finally arrived. Not long after Henry trudged downstairs to see them. Just as Regina had anticipated, Emma was late. She was always late, for everything. Regina on the other hand, was never late, except for perhaps Snow and Charming's wedding...‬

‪Just standing around waiting for the blonde was making Regina sickly nervous and it became apparent that she wasn't the best at hiding her anxiety. "What's up Regina? You don't look sure it is okay that we come for dinner? Maybe you are sick..." Snow said to her, she shook my head and assured her that she was fine.‬

‪When the door bell finally rung and Emma walked in Regina's nerves only heightened. How was this going to go? What if it all goes wrong? What do I have to say? These were the thoughts that raced around Regina's head.‬
‪They all sat around the table in Regina's dining room and began to eat. However, because of the situation Regina was in she did not feel like eating. Emma had specifically sat next to her to make it more believable but it was just making it all worse.‬
‪ ‬
‪Obviously having sensed Regina's anxiousness, Emma coughed to get everybody's attention. ‬

‪"Uh-you are all probably wondering why me and Regina have invited you here tonight. Well, the truth is we are together. We just never felt it was the right time to reveal our relationship but since my mother has been suggesting I find someone new we thought there was no point in hiding it any more."‬

‪Everyone around the table except Zelena now had wide eyes and open mouths. The silence in the room was making Regina uncomfortable and she shifted in her seat. Emma reached out and took Regina's hand in hers to show that they were in this together. At her touch she felt better but was still anxiously awaiting the others response. Snow suddenly broke into smile, which Regina caught the sense was forced, and congratulated them. Surprisingly, David said "I knew it, congratulations I'm so happy for you!" Snow looked at him quickly, it was clear she had not expected this reaction from him either.‬
‪ ‬
‪Now we had shared our news, Snow was just staring at Emna and Regina expectantly. "Yes, Snow?" Regina managed to get out.‬

‪"Well, I just think this news should be sealed with a kiss." Snow told us with her usual too-wide-to-be-normal smile.‬

‪Emma looked at me in alarm. "Well, I don't think that will be approp--" Regina turned Emma's head and pulled her in for a kiss. ‬

‪Regina's lips met hers and it was everything and more Regina had dreamed of. Fireworks erupted inside of her as she began to respond. Soon after, to her dismay, Emma pulled away as everyone on the table was staring a little too much. Their expressions had returned to the same wide eyed looks. Regina wasn't paying much attention to them though as her lips were still tingling from what had just happened and she was already longing for more.‬
‪ ‬
‪Again, Snow had a fake smile plastered over her face but underneath Regina could see that she was too shocked to be happy right now. After a few more minutes of awkward glances and not much conversation Snow and Charming, followed by the rest of the family decided to leave. Maybe this 'news' was a bit hard hitting? The only people left were now Regina and Emma, Henry had rushed upstairs to go on the TV as soon as the door slammed and Zelena had said goodbye.‬
‪ ‬
‪For the remainder of the time their family was here, Emma and Regina's hands stayed intertwined and Regina wished it could be like this forever. ‬

‪"Regina, I can't thank you enough for doing this for me. I really don't know what to say." Emma said to her before she too left. ‬

‪"Don't worry about it, I would do anything for you." Regina replied smiling at her. ‬

‪"Well, thanks again." Enmma repeated and gave her a peck on the cheek before walking down the path to her yellow bug.‬
‪ ‬
‪As Regina closed her front door, she couldn't help but have the biggest grin on her face.‬

i hate that i love you | a swan queen storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora