Street Brat

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All I could think about all night was Isa's words. What if she's right.

I've murdered more people in my life than I could count and I'm just nineteen.

How many am I gonna murder by the time I'm twenty five.

Carla doesn't even know my actual age. She thinks I'm just a regular sixteen year old boy who moved here.

I wonder if She'll hate me for lying or hate herself for being deceived.

Maybe my dad was right I shouldn't have gotten too involved with her.

It was a straight forward plan. Get close, find out what she knows then boom she's dead.

At times I feel bad for her. She doesn't know how many people are gunning for her life.

I don't know if I should tell her or let her find out on her own. Maybe by the time she finds out it'll be too late.

What if she thinks I was just using her. Okay maybe it started off that way but I truly can't live without her.

I kept playing the what if game with myself before I finally fell asleep.



I watched as they both got into the car together. Maybe he's moving on already.

That's way too soon and besides we didn't break up. We're taking a break.

I immediately started regretting my decision. Did I really just give my boyfriend away to Isa.

Hell no.

I was about to march down the stairs to talk to him when I heard I loud sound coming from Donny's room.

I quickly rushed into he's room. He was on the floor having yet another seizure. From the looks of it, it seems its been going on for a while.

My mum wasn't home so there was no way of getting there quickly. Jayden wasn't home to help either. So I called the ambulance.

Every minute I waited felt like hell to me. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

Last thing I wanted was for Donny to be in this condition any longer.

Soon the ambulance arrived. While they were taking him I ran to pick up my phone.

I hopped into the back of the ambulance holding on to Donny's hand.

I tried calling my mum multiple times. There was no answer.

I kept calling and calling still no answer.

Then I left a voicemail telling her what happened and that she should hurry.

On getting to the hospital the doctors took over.

I sat there for what felt like hours waiting for news. Any news.

Just then a man was rolled in with a gunshot wound between he's eyes. I'm certain he's dead. He's body's probably here for an autopsy.

I wonder who could be so heartless to kill someone like that.

"Carla what happened?" I heard my mum's voice bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Donny had another seizure. But its taking so long for the doctors to say anything". I said with guilt and worry on my face.

My mum sat down and started crying. I tried comforting her but she pushed me away. Like literally pushed me to the ground.

I got up quickly to avoid further embarrassment.

Just then the doctor came out to speak to us.

"Doctor how's my son. Can I see him now" my mum said getting up and wiping her tears.

"Well Mrs Simpson we have bad news". The doctor said.

"What is it doctor" I said as I felt my heart drop.

"Your son is in a comatose state. It was caused by the prolonged seizure. If he had gotten here sooner that would have been avoided". The doctor said.

"When will he wake up?" My mum asked trying but failing to hide her tears.

"We don't know yet ma'am. We just hope for the best".

"Can we see him?" I asked the doctor.

"Yes of course. Talking to him is going to be beneficial to him". He said then walked away.

My mum and I went into Donny's room to see him.

My mum was in tears she couldn't hold herself back. I stopped myself from crying thinking it would hurt her more. But she just walked out after kissing Donny on he's forehead.

She didn't even say a word.

I sat next to Donny and played with he's hair. Then I remembered how he would always say he's girlfriend doesn't like me touching he's hair.

The thought of that made me smile a little.


I felt a hand on my shoulder which made me wake up. I didn't realize I had fallen asleep.

"Visiting hours are over miss. You can come again tomorrow". Said the nurse who woke me up.

"Okay thank you". I said while getting up.

I gave Donny a kiss before leaving. I looked down at my phone it was already 11pm.

I looked around the hospital for my mum but I couldn't find her. I even checked the parking lot but her car wasn't there either.

I decided to call an uber. The ride was silent. At least this guy wasn't as weird as my other uber drivers. They always want to start up a conversation.

Soon I arrived home. I saw my mum's car parked outside. I was still furious she left me.

I walked into the house to see that it was a mess.

I made my way other to the living room where my mum was. She was holding a bottle of vodka in her hand.

"Mum what is all this" I asked angrily.

"What do you think it is" she said in an intoxicated state.

"Do you really think this is what Donny needs right now".

"Oh shut up what do you think he needs. This is all your fault". She said pointing at me.

"How is it my fault?"

"Since the day my husband brought you into this house all I've had are problems. I told him to just drop you off at an orphanage but he said no. Do you know what he said". She said while trying to get up.

"He said you're special. And we should raise you. Now where is he? He's dead and he died because of you. You little street brat. All you've done is bring bad luck into my life. No wonder your parents didn't want you".

After listening to her words I ran up to my room and started crying. I fell on the floor with my back against the door.

All my life was a lie. I'm just a street brat my dad picked up.

No wonder my mum never really showed that she cared.

My life has been a lie all these years.

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