I'm fucked

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Okay.... Quick recap of my life.

Cole came back.

I cried.

Jayden and I went to the beach.

We got wet .We kissed. We went shopping.

And now I'm under him with my mum who by the way hates he's guts was on her way.

Okay what the heck I'm a gonna do.

Should he jump out the window.

He might get hurt.

Holy fudgeballs I'm fucked.

Jayden noticed how stressed I looked and quickly got off picking up he's shirt and pulling it on.

Clearing being the smart one in the room he went into my closet and hid there.

I quickly ran over to the door and unlocked it.

I was quickly greeted my a puzzled looking Laura Simpson.

"why on earth did you take that Long to open up". She asked trying to peep into my room.

"no r-reason". I shuttered.

She pushed me aside and walked straight into my room.

She scanned every inch of my room.

I felt my heart drop down to my ass when she walked over to my closet.

This is it. It's the end of my life.

"I told you to tidy up your closet and yet it still looks like a mess". She scolded me in her usual fashion

I let out a sigh of relief.

But wait where the fuck is Jayden.

"Its okay mum I'll tidy it up soon". I said with a fake smile.

She went out of my room and I quickly locked the door.

"Jayden.... Jayden". I slowly whispered while searching around the room.

Just then I saw him pull up from the window.

"Oh my God. How did you do that". I said in confusion.

"A magician never reveals he's secrets". He said then pecked my lips.

"I have to go now baby". Jayden said in a low voice.

"Okay". I said with a frown clearly visible on my face.

"I wish I could stay but you know I can't". He said placing a kiss on my forehead.

"It's okay... I understand".

He then made he's way to the window and climbed down.

I watched him until I was sure he had gotten into he's room.


"You mean you guys did what". Harley said with excitement and let out a tiny scream. Which sounded more like a cry for help.

"Baby it's finally happening. I knew I saw chemistry between you two". She said while shaking me almost making my head fall off.

"Yeah, he's nice"

"What's that. How could you say that after the amazing time you two spent together". She said waving her hands in the air dramatically.

"Yeah we had fun. But I don't know if he took it seriously or not. I just don't want to push anything". I said and clearly saw the disappointed look in Harley's eyes.

"Speak of the devil". I said while gesturing at the approaching Jayden.

"The hot sexy devil". Harley said while acting like a fangirl.

"Oh shut up".

"I'm just saying, if he was the devil I'll want to go to hell TWICE."

We both laughed at Harley's ridiculousness.

"Why are you guys laughing". Jayden asked with a puzzled look on he's face.

"Oh it's nothing. We're just planning a girl's trip". Harley said with a smirk on her face.

Jayden sat down next to me. Like he always did while we had lunch.

Even if nothing was different I could feel the butterflies having a festival in my stomach.

You know those cool Indian festivals. The ones with all the dancing and jumping around.

Well that was happening, inside me.

Soon everything turned black. Cole was coming straight towards us.

"Mi amor". He said while taking my hand and was about to kiss it before I pulled it away.

"What do you want Cole ". I asked him seriously.

"Oh baby so you can talk. I thought you became mute after we broke up".

"Stop being a dick and cut to the chase". I said and rolled my eyes at him.

"you've clearly watched fast and furious too many times". He said with a dumb grin on he's face.

"Haha really funny Kevin Hart". Harley said mocking he's joke.

"Harley Davis. I see you still got the hots for me". He said flashing a wink at Harley.

"Pfft...as if". Harley said in an angry tone.

"What do you want Cole". I said, bringing the attention back to me.

"Since you're so excited babygirl I'll be quick.".

"I want you back".

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