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I'm sure the dictionaries have thousands of meaning to the word Alone.

Well I have a different perspective. To me being alone is when you could be with every single one of your loved ones and still feel like you're walking down an empty street.

To me, being lonely is when you would rather sit in your room and stare at the empty ceiling than talk to the person you care about the most.

Believe it or not it's not your fault neither is it the fault of those around you.

Its just how life is, stuff happen. But the interesting part about being lonely is the fact that one person just one person could make it all disappear.

Okay... Where do I start I live in Bexley Ohio, nice town right.

I haven't always lived here I moved here when I was five.

It was nice back then. Although I was new I made friends fast.

But as fate may have it my dad died eight years after we moved.

To everyone I lost my dad but in all honesty I lost more than that.

I lost my best friend the only one who understood me.

After my dad's death my mum became a workaholic, trying to take care of me and my little brother.

Three years after my dad's death,  the day before my first day of sophomore year.

I was in my room looking up at the ceiling.

Yeah I know I seem boring.

Out of nowhere my mum comes rushing into my room.

She told me to get up and do something productive.

She even suggested I go out with my friends.

I thought mothers are supposed to tell their children to avoid many friends and stay at home.

Well my case was different.

I was always in my room so sending me out is more of a punishment than a treat.

Due to my mum's insistence I got ready and gave my best friend Harley Davis a call.

She was so shocked when I told her I wanted to go out.

"Bitch what the Fuck did you just say" she said in disbelief

"well my mum says I should go out more" I sighed as I told her

"well I get it now"she said while releasing a little laugh.

30 minutes later, Harley was already at the door ringing the door bell repeatedly.

I rushed over to the door. I opened the door to see a brunette with dazzling brown eyes.

She had a perfect figure with an accompanying full and pink lips just to make her even more perfect.

She was quite the fashionista always dressing up like there's a party.

And she didn't fall short today.

While me on the other hand looked like a homeless man. Yep man.

She gazed at me using her eyes to pick me off the floor and back.

She shook her head and said "this won't do "

She was obviously talking about my outfit.

She dragged me up the stairs and started to rampage through my closet.

She brought out a cute crop top and a denim skirt and a pair of white vans.

She smiled at the clothes before handing them over to me.

"listen from now on you don't dress homeless anymore. We're gonna kill sophomore year " she said while waving her hands in the air all goofy like.

I finally got dressed and decided to do some light makeup while I was at it.

I stared at myself in the mirror.

I actually look nice.

I got up and spone around for Harley to see.

She clapped her hands and jumped.

I actually like looking this nice.

Maybe Harley's right.

I am gonna kill sophomore year.


We met up with a group of friends at our usual hangout spot.

Everyone was happily chatting away.  Well why wouldn't they.

They were all so excited to finally be done with being freshman.

They talked about how most of us glowed up.

How the single became the taken.

Just regular teen gossip.

I just sat there like a brick wall not saying a single word.

I've always been,well how do I put this, quiet and anti social.

It amuses me why I have so many friends when I only talk to Harley.

I've always been that way since my dad died.

So no one ever urged me to say anything.

They just kept talking and chatting and of course forgetting I exist.

After chatting for hours we all disbanded and headed home.

I left alone.

No shocker there.

Everyone went home in pairs. But I just felt like walking. 

Harley offered to give me a ride home but I declined.

I Just wanted to take a walk by myself.

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