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I laid down on my bed and started thinking. Its been a month now since Jayden disappeared.

No calls, no texts, no notes just nothing at all.

My mum finally let me out after she saw Jayden had disappeared.

What hurts the most is he didn't even say  goodbye. Or least break up with me so I would know we mean nothing to each other.

He just disappeared with that girl. And every time I ask he's dad he just ignores me.

Harley already planned Jayden's funeral. She says when he comes back she's gonna kill him for breaking my heart.

That's quite funny she couldn't even kill a fly.

Just while in my thoughts I heard a knock on my window.

I walked over to see who or what it was. It was him. It was Jayden.

I was so happy that he was alive. Just then all the anger came back.

I opened the window and he climbed in.

"Hey, baby you missed me?" He said with a smirk on he's face. Just then he leaned in and tried to kiss me.

I pushed him away and slapped him. He held he's cheek in amazement.

He definitely wasn't expecting that I would slap him.

"You think you can just disappear for a month and think I would welcome you with open arms". I said while trying to push back the tears.

" Carla, I can explain".

"Please do because I'm tired of thinking about every possible reason you could have left". I said with a tear rolling down my cheek.

" I had some things to attend to".

"Things huh?. Things with that girl?" I finally let it out, the words that had been choking me for a month.

"You mean Isa? She's just a friend. A long time friend that's it".

"A long time friend huh? Who just so happens to show up out of the blue and starts calling you Theo and then you just disappear". I said with a choked voice and a butt load of sarcasm.

" well if you must know Theo's my first name. Jayden's my middle name". He said while trying to hide the annoyance in he's voice ."come with me".

He then started to pull  me towards the window.

"Where are you taking me". I said while trying miserable to break free of he's grip.

"Be quiet and relax". The authority in he's voice made me submit immediately.

He took me over to he's house and then he's room.

I walked in and saw the same girl. She was on he's bed typing away on her phone.

"You gotta be kidding me". I said then turned back and was about to leave the room when Jayden stopped me.

"Isabelle this is Carla. Carla Isabelle". Jayden made the introduction which made Isabelle stand up and walk towards us.

"Hi I'm Isabelle but you can call me Isa". She said while extending her hand.

I took her hand and we had a little handshake." I'm Carla ".

"Carla as in Theo's girl?"she asked.

" yeah, she's my girl". Jayden answered in my place.

"You're so cute. You look like a model. And oh my god. I would kill for that butt". She rained compliments that made me smile.

I started feeling guilty about all the bad thoughts I had. She was really nice.

" I'm gonna go grab something. You guys chat". Jayden said then left the room.

Immediately he did Isa walked up to the door looked around then closed it.

"Okay listen up you slut". Isa said in a completely different tone she looked quite scary now.

" Theo is mine okay?. Yeah we broke up but I know he still loves me".

"Hold up, you guys dated?" I asked in utter disbelief.

"Oh he didn't tell you. That's so sad. Not only did we date we did a whole lot of other things too. I'm sure you don't need details.

He was so obsessed with me that he clinged on to me all day. Until I decided to end it. So now I want him back". She sounded like those means girls from TV shows.

"If you want him back so badly why don't you talk to him".

" oh shut up Einstein. I can't talk to him with you in the picture so you either step down or its six feet under for you". She said this time sounding like a crazy serial killer.

Before I could say anything Jayden came back.

"Carla let's go". He said and then I walked out with him. That was enough craziness for one day.

"Carla I'm sorry for disappearing on you like that. I promise it won't happen again".

" it better not". I said then wrapped my hands around he's neck. He moved in and kissed me.

He then pulled away when he saw he's dad come out of a room.

He held my hand then took me outside. I climbed back up the window and luckily this time my mum wasn't there.

Hope you're enjoying the story so far. Tell me what you think and don't forget to vote.

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