{20} Sweet dreams

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i'm not either, leah

: 'use the sleeves of my sweater,
let's have an adventure,
head in the clouds but my gravity's centered.'~james harris, sweater weather

"YOU WHAT NOW?" Her jaw was nearly hitting the floor as she looked into his green eyes, startled.

"I like you, Leah. I have for a while now." Harry Potter spoke with uncertainty, especially after seeing the expression on her face.

"Harry-It's not that I don't like you, but there's just-" She felt a bit guilty. She wasn't opposed to the idea of dating Harry, if she was honest, but things were complicated, between her and Draco. She didn't want to hurt either of the boys.

"There's what?"

"It's complicated right now.." Harry Potter sighed at her statement, looking at the floor briefly before meeting her gaze again.

"I get that. I won't force you to an answer right now. Just-erm- give me a chance?" He smiled sheepishly. "I promise I'm no longer the git I was in fourth year." She nodded, smiling gently, very conflicted.

"Thank you, Harry...I'll get back to you, then?" She giggled briefly, a slight blush of embarrassment creeping onto her face.

"Take your time. No pressure." He smiled gently, walking away from her afterwards.


"Were your dreams sweet, Leah?" She giggled briefly, smiling and nodding.

"They were. Merlin, you're becoming a softie." Her head was placed contently on his chest as she hummed a calming tune, drawing figures on his chest with her finger. She'd ended up stealing his shirt and wearing it to bed, not that he minded though. His hands gently stroked over her back, holding her close as he nuzzled his face into her hair.

"I don't want to leave." He muttered, sighing afterwards. His mind had drifted to darkness in the depths that the night held. Though he felt peaceful in that moment, with her in his arms, he knew deep down that it couldn't last. That they couldn't last. He knew that she'd despise him after he did what had to be done. He knew that no matter how safe and content he'd felt the last few hours, morning would come and life would be back to reality.

"You've been with me all night, Draco. I've recovered from the vision, okay? I'm fine. You should go. Blaise must be worried." As usual, she put Draco's business first. Much to his dismay.

"Leah why do we keep doing this to ourselves?" His tone was genuine and concerned, she knew he meant well.

"I can't explain it. I'm just-" He finished her sentence, smiling softly."-drawn to you."


"What am I supposed to do, Raven?" She exclaimed, falling backwards onto her bed, groaning.

"You have got the two most wanted boys in the entirety of Hogwarts practically fighting over you, and you don't like it?" Raven laughed at her sister, who furiously shook her head no.

"Of course not! I mean, you know of the thing with Draco, but it's always too dangerous, or difficult. But Harry...he's sweet, and well, he's just Harry."

"So you reckon that dating Harry Bloody Potter, is safer than dating Draco Malfoy?"

"There won't be as much secretive sneaking around! Merlin. Draco doesn't want to be seen with me. Harry does..."

"It seems to me like your decision is made, sis."

"Ugh! I don't know! Okay? I don't know!"


"Say yes to him, Leah." His voice was clear and demanding as he stood up from where he sat across from her. She'd just told him of what happened with the Boy-Who-Lived.

After all, honesty was the best policy. She'd just wanted to discuss their relationship. Maybe even labelling it. Making things official. But now he was telling her to date another boy? Potter at that?

She gasped briefly, her eyes big as she looked at him.

"You want me to say yes to Harry?" Her voice was slightly softer than it usually was, a hint of sadness clearly present as she spoke.

"Yes. Give the bloke the chance. He can give you more than I can." And he can protect you...

She was shocked to say the least. Draco was telling her to date his mortal enemy, so clearly their relationship didn't mean that much to him?

Her bottom lip was trembling slightly, while she looked at him, disbelief still very present on her features. Her tone was almost fearful as she spoke next.

"W-What about us?"

"Us?-" He laughed briefly. "There is no us, Nightingale. I don't remember ever asking you to be my girlfriend." His tone held malice. It was fake, but still, it was there. And he knew for sure, that an already upset Leah wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

"What?" Her voice was small. Close to a whisper.

He felt a crack in his walls after he heard it. The lack of 'Nightingale' in her tone. He'd fucked up. He'd fucked up majorly. But he couldn't do anything to fix it.

Finally, his plan was working. She'd be away from him.

And safe, with Saint Potter.

Because no matter how much he loathed him, he knew that Potter had always been more capable of protecting those he loved.

"Be with him, Nightingale." She shook her head quickly, reaching out to touch his cheek gently, laying her hand on it.

"It wouldn't be fair to him." He sighed softly, slightly leaning into her warm touch as she continued to gently allow her thumb to caress the soft skin.

"Why not?" His voice was different too. More vulnerable than usual. His facade faltering.

"Because he's not the one with the key to my heart. If I have one." She giggled briefly, as he too, chuckled softly. A smile slowly defeating the frown that was on his face. Briefly closing his eyes before looking down into her honey coloured ones, getting lost in them.

"I'm not either, Leah." He sighed softly, reaching down and kissing her forehead tenderly, before turning around and walking away

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