{3} No More Blood

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salazar! i'd rather tutor snape than him!

don't doubt my courage, i match for any man ~ elizabeth woodville 1437 AD-1492 AD

"STUDENTS, who speak during my lecture shall raise their hand, Miss Nightingale!" Spoke the voice of the most irritating Professor present at Hogwarts

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"STUDENTS, who speak during my lecture shall raise their hand, Miss Nightingale!" Spoke the voice of the most irritating Professor present at Hogwarts. A sickeningly sweet smile on her face as she was visibly having a hard time controlling her anger. Leah had tried keeping it in. She'd tried staying quiet, but she simply couldn't resist. She hadn't been informed of Potter's detention, or the fact that he too, had rebelled against Umbridge.

"I couldn't care less! Isn't this class meant to teach us how to defend ourselves?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow as a mischievous grin made its way onto her face.

"You will learn about defending yourselves in a way that is approved by the Ministry! And that's the end of it!" Umbridge's voice had ascended in pitch with what the young Slytherin Girl guessed to be three octaves.

"I don't think it is." She simply stated, shrugging her shoulders. A collective amount of gasps gathered around the classroom, along with a few coughs which hid snickers. The Slytherin Prince watched her with fascination from where he was seated, though it could have been mistaken for adoration by anyone else.

"Enough!" The Professor screeched, slamming her hand down on the desk, shaking her tea cup to the point where it had spilt over the edges. "Detention for you Miss Nightingale. Tonight. My office."

"Sure." She replied, wanting to have the last word. Umbridge gasped audibly, along with Raven, who was seated next to Leah.

"You dare talking back to me? Leave. Now." This had Leah smirking as she calmly packed her stuff, making her way to the door before turning around dramatically, mimicking Umbridge's sweet smile as she spoke;

"Have a nice lecture, Professor Umbitch." She made sure to mumble the last part, making it impossible to truly tell what she had said, but the look on the Professor's face proved that she had heard exactly what was said. After this, she left the classroom, the door slamming shut behind her with a loud thud. As the rest of the class couldn't help but burst out in laughter, Draco included. He was impressed and that was an understatement. He didn't remember her so...feisty.


He had been wracking his brain for a way to approach her. None seemed appropriate, or good enough.

"Zabini?" He spoke with slight hesitation to the boy he shared his dorm with, smiling slightly.

"Hm? What is it Malfoy?" Curiosity present in his voice as he lifted his gaze from the page he was reading, an eyebrow raised.

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