{45} A recent event

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❝ i love you, draco .❞

: 'and the rest is still unwritten.'~Natasha Bedingfield, Unwritten.

She sat comfortably in the emerald green couch. In front of the fireplace. A book in her lap, a cup of tea, chamomile tea, on the small table in front of her. She had her hair up, to make sure it didn't fall in front of her face. The room was dimly lit, and the only sound in the big room was a slight crackling, which came from the fire. She took in a large breath, and softly breathed out again. What was the purpose of hiding? She wasn't helping anyone by hiding. Hiding was a selfish decision. A self-preserving decision. And Leah didn't want to be known as someone who valued herself above others, because quite frankly, she didn't. Not at all.

She placed the muggle-novel aside and rose from the sofa, leaning forward and grabbing the tea cup- which had cooled off completely, its contents sadly wasted. Who in Salazar's name drinks cold tea? She slowly walked over to the kitchen-like area in the room. Funnily enough, it reminded her awfully of the safe-house. Probably the Room's doing. She stopped abruptly, gasping and dropping the cold cup, but she was no longer in the now to hear it clatter down- and break.

"It is what the Dark Lord wishes, Draco." His father hissed, grabbing him by the collar of his suit. Leah had no idea where she was, she blinked a few times to focus.

She recognised the hall they were in. Malfoy Manor.

"I don't fucking care what the Dark Lord wants!" He yelled-loudly, causing Leah to flinch. "Why does it matter? Why does he want me to fuck Greengrass? What's going to change if the poor minor is knocked up?" He shook his head and gave his father an irrediculous look. "He has to keep his nose out of my busi-" Draco snorted. "Oh, nevermind." Lucius Malfoy dragged his son into a side room, and scoffed. He was worried about who could've heard his son's outburst. After all, he was nowhere near quiet.

"You will do as the Dark Lord says, Draco." He ordered fiercely. Draco frowned and shrugged his shoulders.

"Or what!" He challenged his father. A chilling voice answered him, and Draco turned around to face it.

"Or I'll simply make you, Draco Malfoy. Imperio." Her vision blurred to black.

She gasped again as she fell to her knees, cutting herself on the shattered stone that still laid on the floor. Her palm was bleeding quite heavily and the crimson liquid mixed with that of the broken tea cup, which now laid on the floor of the Room Of Requirement, but she needed a moment to recover.

This was very recent. Either future, or past.

It frightened her. Draco was being forced to, what exactly?

She got up on her legs, which were still shaky by the time she reached the makeshift sink. She washed out the gash on her palm, and cleaned it. Then went on to clean the mess she had made. By the time she finally was able to sit back down on the couch, she no longer cared for the book that she'd been reading. Or that she'd been craving chamomile. She didn't hear Ginny Weasley as she entered the Room Of Requirement. Only when she heard a multitude of footsteps, which belonged to the students she'd been teaching, did she look up. "Woah-" She'd started, startled. "What are you all doing in here?"

"Lessons." A little Hufflepuff spoke up, and Leah's eyes softened at the sight. She couldn't help but smile as more of the children spoke up about their reasons for being there. One, in particular, stood out the most. "You're protecting us. We want to learn how to protect you." She nodded and rose from the couch once again, clapping her hands, but immediately retrieving from the action, wincing in pain.

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