
August 17th 2002

She is turning our country against one another. She said it was the both of us but it started with her cheating on me. So she did this. She broke our land, she broke us. And she brought our city down with her.


August 25th 2002

The councilmen are having a meeting with us and Shin Hye family. They said that the people are weary of our leadership. They believe that either of us will be good leader but the way that we are handling this is starting to break our country.

-Min Ho

September 4th 2002

My father said she is suggesting a plan to the councilmen and it will take time for it fall through. I ask him what he was going to suggest but all he did was smirk at me and left without a word. I trust my father but I like being blind sided a


September 7th 2002

My father plans came out. He suggested to split the two country. It was a huge shock but Shin Hye parents didn't object. The councilmen didn't like it. They said what we are suggesting is immoral. Maybe it is but people respect both of our family but only one of us can be the royal family. With this we both can. They said they would announce what we thought and will have the people to choose, and let them pick the side.

-Min Hye

September 18th 2002

The people are voting. The people will choose if they want the country to be split. Maybe this is how things are suppose to be. Maybe this was our destiny. I don't have the energy to continue fighting with Shin Hye. I don't have the energy to continue see her, especially with another man.

- Min-Ho

October 1st 2002

The votes finally came in and the decided they want to split the country. Shin Hye and I had a meeting. She ask me again if this is what I wanted. I told her what I wanted was to be united with her but not if she was in love with someone else. She cried but she still chose him.

"Maybe our families weren't meant to be one."

Was her last words as she walk out of my permanently


October 16th 2002

I spoke to my Park Hyung-Sik, my good friend. He said that he was surprised with the outcome of everything. He thought that our families would reunite, may be not now but eventually but obviously it won't. Our country is dividing.


November 3rd 2002

Today the country split. We chose the title of our side. I Jung Min-Ho is the king the of the Sphnix and Shin-Hye is now Kim Shin-Hye but here name will be change to Manoban, since that's is Guard last name. I am getting married in two weeks and we will form a good family. So my family can continue to rule as long as we can.


King. Jungkook shut the journal with mix feelings. The whole country split because of fail engagement. Yes Lili's great grandmother cheated but they made it seem like it was more serious. I don't understand how history got twisted, to the fact we loved another and through time it became hate.

Just because of a love quarrel.

This wasn't right. This country was suppose to be one. Not two.

This didn't sit will with King Jungkook but he didn't know how to fix it.

Authors Note:

Hello. I know it's been awhile. I'm sorry. I just haven't felt like writing with everything is going on. I hope everyone knows that you all matter. Your life matters! Not because of your skin color, gender, religion, your status or your political beliefs but because you are human.

I really hope you all are safe. Be kind to one another, respect on another and be understanding of another. These are not easy times. We all are going through a lot.

To my readers that are black.

I stand with you. And I will fight for you. I believe you are as equally important as any person. I love you.

Now with Lisa...

I hate what she had to go through. The fact we didn't see anything was going wrong with her broke my heart. She stayed strong to make us happy. Money wasn't the issue, it was the trust she gave a person and they took advantage of it. That was disgusting.

I hope you all can love your self and trust people around you with out any worries. Unfortunately sometime life throws you these curveball.but I hope everyone know you are not alone.

Stay strong world. Love you.

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