people do what?????????????

297 22 41

Sometimes I think I'm probably allosexual because I think people are attractive, and then I go on tiktok and see a post from that trend that's like "me in the middle of class: *thinking about doing [insert some not very pg things] with my boyfriend/girlfriend in the * the kid at the back of the class who can read minds: :0"

And then I laugh because of course people don't think about those things in real life, and because I'm totally allosexual, I should know, and they're exaggerating it for tiktok, and then I go to the comments and everyone's saying how relatable it is and how they do that, and I assume they're all exaggerating, and never does it cross my mind that I'm not relating to this because I'm actually asexual, so I assume everyone else on tiktok is just exaggerating.

AND THEN I'm like well I'm totally bisexual because I'm definitely not asexual, but just for funsies, y'know just for SHITS AND GIGGLES, let's take this am I gay quiz, and it asks me if I want to do le smashy with same sex or opposite sex or both and I'm like no???? why would I think about that????? So I say so and then at the end, the test says I'm most likely asexual and I'm shocked, and then I realize that the people on tiktok were probably being completely genuine and wonder why there are people who think I'M weird for NOT wanting to do that.

Sometimes is today. I don't know why I spent so much time realizing I'm asexual in the first place if I'm just going to spend the majority of my time now ignoring that realization and act like it's a mystery why I don't think about sex much.

But also I'm so glad I'm ace because I was talking to my friend and he was saying how he's worried he'll never end up dating anyone, and I was like all good!! Just live with friends!! And then he was like but... sex... and wow I appreciate this freedom to not have to want to fuck people.

ace rantsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora