I have an idea :)

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Okay so I've mentioned overtaking some northern country and turning it into Ace Land before, but then I had a new idea that's a little bit more possible (I don't think the world is ready for us to unleash our magical ace powers yet)

What if we find a small town and just all move to it. Eventually the entire or almost entire town will be inhabited by aces, and we can fill the town council. From there we can vote to name the town Ace Town or something. 

Some things in the town:

-we can have some sort of cool start up so younger aces can come to the town under the guise of an internship (paid of course) 

-There will be a giant fountain in the center with a dragon

-The town is surrounded by a really pretty majestic forest so it has mystic energy

-Maybe the ace camp can be here??

-There will be a really huge cool dog park with free treats and water and open space and dog toys and tunnels and stuff

-Also a sort of cat park? With twirling ribbons and those towers and that kind of stuff

-We'd have an insane education system with really good sex ed (but stepping out for some parts is completely allowed)

-Continuing with the education system, there'd be no limit to the amount of times kids can go to the bathroom and get water

I'm still not entirely sure what our economy would be based on, so thoughts?

Also what jobs would y'all have?

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