Chapter 24

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A week had gone by since their fight, and they had barely spoken unless it was a remark about his whore who seemed to be at his beck and call when he left the house to go to her, maybe it wasn't one but several.

He kept on hurting me with just his meat presence in the room where he was always to close to her, but never to close to touch her just to cause her to flinch or shiver from his proximity, it hurt too much for her to know that another woman ran her hands over him.

If he wasn't out he would be in his gym or his office doing paperwork or taking calls that would only last less than five minutes before another one came in, he was running his criminal empire right there from that office and god knows it should give me another reason to hate him.

My heart, felt heavy ever since our fight and the small other ones they had, it was clawing at me from the inside out, I bet he was amused by all this toying with me all the time. He like he said I was a weak naive little girl in his eyes and nothing more.

Late at night though after I was asleep he would come to the room and be there in the darkness watching me the first time he did it I was asleep, but the other times through the week is where I was wide awake but pretending to be asleep, but I knew deep down he was aware of me being awake, but he never said anything about it and neither did i.

I should feel scared and most of all creeped out but nothing like that ever occurred I like him being there watching me out for me I felt safe and comforted by his presence even if he had betrayed her trust long ago.

They were probably more willing than me, he was a monster a cruel, evil-hearted monster that even haunted her in her sleep, she knew he would never let her go physically yes, I was bound to him since he was much stronger than me, it never occurred to me to run because he would find me...

Mentally though I was never his and I was far away, thinking of my old life and how simple it looked to her. I would be home at school writing my finals before I went over to England, to go to the college my mom wanted me to go to.

How had my life gone out of control in so little time? First, the death of my mother then was my father who was a con all my life hiding all his secrets when I thought he was an honest man. And now I'm a prisoner who didn't do as they were told.

Was it wrong of me to resist him? To keep my sanity intact even if it felt like it was slipping away from me from each passing day, even if deep down I wanted to become his? Like he said himself to me so many times, but what will happen if I do give in?

 What will happen to me if I accepted my fate and be with a criminal a killer, would I lose myself in the process? So many questions I would not get the answers to unless I do give in.

My heart ached from all the betrayal I felt from him, he was purely invested in making my life pure hell, and because I would not do what he wanted he went to another woman who would spread her legs eagerly for him.

Was his ego so bruised from my rejection that he slept with a whore to prove to me that he was in control of everything, that I meant nothing to him? Feeling the tears well up once again showing me that I'm so weak for caring what he does to me.

Each smile, each touch he gave me it trowed me deeper under his spell, not wanting it to be true, but reality set in after the fourth day when he had another small fight my language had gone beyond my limits he had awoken the worst side of me.

I had ended up calling him a bastard a manwhore more times than I could count and I never once felt ashamed of it, he would just stand there a smirk on his lips taunting me his last words echoed in my head.

" If I was a manwhore like you say, you darling would be in my bed face down begging for another round of good stiff fucking that you so deserve!" He threatened low in my ear before walking off and out the door.

Leaving me breathless and my heart beating rapidly when the feelings I tried so hard to repress pooled inside my heart and soul almost chocking me on them, I was falling for him hard and I had no way of returning from it...

The desire to be close to him even after what he kept on doing to me was burning hot with the need for his singular touch, the filth that came out of his mouth that made me blush and wetness soak my panties.

The good came in with the bad though I could not erase the image I conjured up in my mind of him being with another woman that wasn't me, it pained me but it signified the cold hard truth for me, he would seek out sex, if I didn't give him what he so-called desired, and he did.

Two days later I was just finishing the studies that were useless to me now, but I still learned every detail and knowledge to book provided a smile tugged at my lips my mom used to say knowledge is power as we would enter one of the many bookshops we would go to.

Looking at my alarm clock it was nine pm the night had fallen completely out there as I got up and closed the curtains of my balcony doors, she got ready for bed having a nice hot shower pampering her body her skin softening with all the moisturizers I have it was the only thing that could bring me joy at this time, so I took my time with it.

She knew once she settled in her bed that Ryder would appear in the later hour to loom over her sleeping form, he usually staid for two or three hours then leave, that is when she could finally get some sleep.

I dozed off not waiting I was too tired from all the reading, but when she woke up hours later she didn't feel the familiar presence, indicating that he was here, and it bothered me that wasn't here with me.

My eyes were dropping off just I was about to give in to the darkness I heard it...

A shallow moan entered my ears I rose my face looking ahead where I had left my closet door open and through it, I could see the light under Ryder's door on his side of the room. 

The moan echoed once again in her room and it was a woman moaning out in pleasure, my gut twisting my heart cracking once again into a million little pieces, he brought her here? 

I didn't want to believe it I just couldn't, slowly getting out of the bed I padded across the cool wood floor, the thin line of the light guiding me in the darkness. Approaching I heard the moans much louder form the other side of the room but also low deep grunts accompanied by swearing Ryder's voice filling my ears.

"So fucking tight I'll fucking ruin you!" He growled and it was answered with yet another loud moan, my hand slapped over my mouth trying to contain the sob that was waiting to get free, I was frozen in the spot.

The door was slightly ajar when I was right in front of it and through the thin line, my teeth sank into my hand my tears running silently done my face, seeing him bent over the bed his feet on his tiptoes his hands on each side of him as he kept going back and forth trusting in and out of her.

The moans never seemed to subside as he trusted in and out of his lover, his grunts were like a wild animal.

 "All fucking mine!" He gritted out, my heart was just ripped out of my chest, it was like someone had snatched it out of me taunting me with it, I could not take it any longer I run back to my room slamming the door hard it rattled on its hinges, but I could care less.

I fell over the bed a painful cry leaving my mouth, sobs were next as I cried out my heart was like it was bleeding inside, my soul was torn to pieces, hot tears were dropping into my pillow as I held it to me close...

I had fallen in love with him and it was the most painful thing in the world, he had shown me his true colors just now, with his actions the moans ringing in my ears as I tried to shut them out and the rest of the world.

After this chapter I'm afraid I will take two or three days off, I have written a sex screen for you know, in the next couple of chapters but I feel like I'm losing my mind with all sex fantasies I keep getting and I need to write down and I can't do that fast enough!

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