chapter 5

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Sleep never came, even after being in the car for what looked like four hours going five, I side glanced at him once in a while he looked so focused on the road he didn't even look tired what is he? A god or something I only knew two things about him his name and that he killed someone. I took the courage to just stare at him for a couple of minutes his face shifted and looked straight back at me.

" What is it kitten, not liking the view?" He mouthed grinning, sending shivers down my spine I thought about looking away from his intense gaze but I knew I couldn't. He kept on with it for minutes not even looking at the road ahead of him.

" You should watch the road or you going to get us killed," I replied, a smirk played on his lips as he stepped on it going 80,100,120,150,180, 190, he kept on pushing it. My heart beating out of my chest.

" Maybe I want to?" He questioned he was joking right I looked ahead seeing that we were coming up to lots of cars to many! His speed was at 200 going 210, I looked at him waiting for him to stop but he only smirked still gazing at me, he was crazy!

" Ryder please slow the car down!" I pleaded my hands shaking from the adrenaline rush I could not deal with this, I was bound to have a heart attack.

" Say it again ." his eyes blazing with a carnality that I have never experienced I was going to die...

" Say what!" Screaming back him, this man was mad no way about it!

" My name " he implored, he didn't seem fazed by the speed what so ever he might want to put the fear of God in me or something, well it was working!

" Ryder, Ryder please will you slow down!" the next thing I know he slammed on the brakes the car making the worst screeching sound I have ever heard, my body lurched forward good thing I wore my seat belt a couple of hours ago, smoke came out of the tires holding us in a fog I couldn't see any other cars or anything else.

" Thank you." I breathed my voice shaking like a leaf my hand on my chest gasping for breath, when I calmed down he was smiling amused I wanted to wipe it off! His hand fell on my thigh grasping it hard, I felt somehow turned me on? Shaking my head with my stupidness, I tried to pry it off of me, a growl came from deep in his chest, dropping my hand terrified, his hand went higher near my core I looked at him stunned and fearful.

He looked joyful with my reaction his fingers grazed my covered core I let out a gasp, my hand grasping his wrist but not to take it off, I felt my body heat up and feeling myself get wet, I'm screwed.

Hunger and lust, filled his eyes daring me to say anything, glancing to the road that had cleared up from the fog, revving the car back to life and he went with the speed limit thank god, his hand didn't seem to budge just get higher were all his fingers were touching my core, it all about killed me to hold my moans in, I closed my thighs together his hand stuck in between them.

" Is the something wrong kitten? Your flushed and if I'm not mistaken aroused?" He mused he took a left turning into an airstrip where a plane was waiting, the back of it was open for some reason but it didn't take long to realize why he pressed on it and drove in the mouth of the plane the bump from the road on to the ramp made me bite my lip.....Fuck! This was so uncomfortable nobody has touched like that in my life, squirming in my seat.

" What could be wrong, just you violating my body nothing could be wrong!" I mocked, he stiffened but did not retrieve his hand, just as the car parked in its place men came out of somewhere and tied the car down with some special belts to keep it in place.

Ryder's eyes once again on me I was in a trance looking deep into his steel dark blue eyes swimming in them it took me two seconds to realize what he was doing, parting my thighs his hand cupping my center pressing down on it, a moan escaped my throat my head falling back pleasure searing through me my hands gripped his, digging my nails into his tattooed wrist.

" Your right nothing is wrong because you want me to touch you, all over that delicious body of yours don't you kitten?" he growled out leaning into me his mouth landing on my neck biting down into my flesh and his free hand, holding my jaw, I whimpered in the slight pain I experienced but somehow it felt pleasurable. Moaning out into the car I arched my neck giving him more access, what was wrong with me?

his teeth sinking deeper feeling the blood seeping out of my throat my hand came up around the back of his neck grasping hard on his short black hair, his hand was pressing and grinding its heal against my covered wetness my hips rose my back arching towards his touch, crying out in ecstasy needing release, how could he do this to me? I was a plaything in his hands.

I could smell his cologne and his intoxicating scent fill my lungs. Seconds went by, me grinding into his hand, his teeth backing out of my tender bruised flesh his tongue lapping up any blood that was emerging from his bite, his tongue felt so good making my body shiver I was on edge I could not bear this, it was too much and so wrong!

" So sweet and delicious, I don't think I will ever get enough of that kitten, and to prove my point your body begged for more and those sweet whisperings and moaning is all the answer I need." He murmured against my ear his hot breath making me get wetter than I already was.

He leaned back into his seat gazing at me waiting for my denial, I huffed it was true I enjoyed it but this has never happened to me before, this was all new and I was... Well, he was pulling me into dangerous unknown grounds.

"Yes you are right I react to you in a way that I can not explain, but this is not going to happen again, ever!" I waved my hand in between us he smirked like this was funny, damn him.

" That's were your wrong kitten this going to happen again, then again and maybe again some more who knows how much you might need me or me, you." his voice laced with untold promises.

Did it get hot and heavy in the car or is it just me? Where is he planning on taking her? in a plane no doubt, we shall see I guess, won't we? Please vote and comment hope you had or having a spectacular day!!!

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