she heard the dead people voices

Start from the beginning

The girl shot, slightly missed because her hands were not as strong as before. She ran forward, shooting their arms, and dodging. Only one person left. And the bullet stock is gone. When a bullet headed toward her, Lasya quickly ducked, took their gun from the dead soldier, and then shot it.


It's over. Lasya quickly took the bullets from their stock and put it in her gun. And she ran again. As long as she tries to run away, she meets with robots, soldiers, or even mages. And that results in her body becoming very tired and will soon drop. Especially with only one functioning hand and the blood from the effect of the poison that always comes out either with vomiting or coughing. 


An object stuck in the wall behind her then exploded. Lasya automatically lowered her body, protecting her head. But it still made her fall to the floor with some ruins of the wall that hit her. 

"Well, well, look who's trying to escape from here," She looked up after hearing the monotone's cold voice. Like what she thought, Eros stood twenty meters away from her. With a flat expression and blue eyes that glow in the dark.


"You should know that you won't be able to get out of here," he said again, tilting his head. "I'm being kind. You can choose: give up or I'll use the hard way." 

Because her right leg was crushed by the ruins, Lasya tried to stand up with difficulty. The girl just looked at Eros without answering anything. She just needs to gather her strength first.

"All right," behind Eros, there were several spears from hardened shadows, ready to be thrown at her. "The hard way then." 

She immediately ran away quickly, without caring about her aching arms and legs. While avoiding the shadow attacks.

A spear flashed above her and stuck in front of her. Lasya quickly entered one of the rooms to avoid the explosion. Dumb choice. 

Lasya was in the room where her magic was taken. Precisely located on the second floor. Lasya spun around and found that Eros was ready with several spears. Again, Lasya dodged the attack of his spear which was stuck in front of her. And without having time to avoid the explosion, Lasya was thrown back.



"She fell into the tube," said one of the soldiers. "What should we do, Doc?" 

Eros looked at the scene with a deadpan look, as if he didn't care. "Leave her. She will die in there anyway." 

"But ..." he said again. "Isn't she, your daugh—"

"You're so noisy," Eros said, stabbing his shadow's spear into the soldier's chest without mercy. Letting that person die with blood pouring out from his chest. 

Eros walked down the stairs past Byron's body —which he killed after learning that Lasya had escaped— to head to his desk. Lasya, he could say that she was his best experiment. The only body that can carry the red lightning.

But unfortunately, Eros had to see one his best experiment die. But never mind, he had gotten the magic back. "You're really are troubling me," he said, pushing his bangs back.


"What—!" Eros immediately protected himself when the large tube broke. The rupture of the tube made the water inside come out very swiftly. Creating a huge wave. Regardless of his wet clothes, Eros walked to the broken tube. Finding Lasya who is standing in the middle. "She's not dead?"

Eros took a few steps before an invisible force threw him against the wall. Raising loud BUMP sounds. The man stood up, he felt something from Lasya's body. He felt very strong magic power from her. 

"Hahahaha!!!" he laughed darkly. The laughter was so loud that Lasya winced. "I didn't expect that you would absorb all the magic in the tube." 

"Now, my daughter," his blue eyes shone dangerously. "Come closer to your father." 

"You are not my father," Lasya answered, staring intently at Eros who walked closer to her.

"I am your father!" he snapped. "I made you and I gave you that power! You should have submitted to me!" 

"I never wanted that power!" Lasya snapped back, ignoring her sore throat. It was very clear that the girl tried not to look afraid in front of Eros. "Once again, I'm not your child and I don't have a father!"

They fight. Eros with his shadow and Lasya with her increasing strength. Even the anti-magic chain has broken. Making her able to use her magic, even though her physical strength is blocking her.

Lasya's body was covered in red lightning. Attacking repeatedly into the man even with only one hand.

With her right hand covered in red lightning, she tried to stab Eros. Her hand act as a weapon. She slashed, but Eros quickly turned into a shadow and dodged and then hit her back. Make Lasya thrown forward. She slashed again. Then with lightning-fast movements, she managed to stab Eros's chest. "What—"

Lasya pulled out her hand, making Eros fall to the floor lifeless. Then looked at her right hand which was covered in blood. Her father's blood. She killed Eros with her own hand. This should not be a big problem for Lasya, because she used to kill. But she usually killed someone with her magic, not by stabbing someone's chest with her own hand. 

Her body trembled as she was staring at the blood.

"AAAAAA!!!!" she screamed, collapsed.

Please stop it!!!

Just kill me!!


Stop it! Stop it!!

Please don't!!!


Lasya pulled her own hair, hoping that she couldn't hear the voices in her mind. The voice is obviously not her own voice. But the voice of others. The prisoners' voices she assumes. 

"Stop it!! Stop it! Stop it!!" her scream made the room tremble like an earthquake. The glass broke and the walls cracked. 

Kill me! Just kill me!!


You are crazy! Just die already!!

"Go away! Get out from my head!!" Lasya shouted again, closing her ears tightly. Sending a wave of magic and crystallized all around her. 


Lasya could no longer hear those voices. Thank God. Releasing her hand, she pays attention to her surroundings with swollen eyes. Because Eros is dead, she must escape from this building. But she didn't know where the exit was. 

"Lucy .. Must see Lucy .." Lasya murmured. Using her teleportation magic to go where Lucy is. It doesn't matter if the distance is very far. "Lucy ..."

When she opened her eyes, she was in the rocky area. Lasya slowly walked with her right leg still injured. Hoping that she is in Fiore. And with her slightly closed eyes, she noticed 3 people. But her eyes were landed on the blond girl. ""

And she fell unconscious.



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