"WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?! You're such an ass!" Logan hisses.

"Know your place, asshole. Be glad it's just me this time. Next time you try to go against what I say, it will be me, Hunter, and Ethan beating the shit out of you! Get the fuck out of here!"

"Whatever! Fuck..." Logan retreats, leaving us alone.

I sit upright and look up at Damien. "Still trying to fuck with him?" I ask.

"Yeah. Actually... I knew I helped you for a reason. I'm assuming you're smart as fuck, right?"

"Depends on what you mean by smart as fuck...?" I question.

Am I smarter than him? Yes. Are most people? Also yes.

I don't think that makes me a genius or anything.

He leans against the wall, like the tough guy he is. He's probably crossing his arms, too. Y'know. To look cool.

"Well. I'm sure you're not surprised that I'm failing, like...everything. Except history. And I need...a tutor. So you're going to tutor me."

"Yep. I know you're a dumb-ass." I confirm.

I scratch at my arms a bit before pulling the white sweater sleeves over my hands.

Yeah. It's too hot for sweaters. Whatever. I don't care.

"Wait. You want me to tutor you? That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. You just assumed that I'm smart? Why? Because I have glasses?" I stare up at him.

Joke's on him. I'm blind because of brain injuries. Not from whatever the hell makes other nerds blind.

"No. You're in one of my classes. I know you're smart. You've got a lot of balls for someone I could fucking throw across the room. Just because I didn't let Logan beat your ass doesn't mean I can't do it. Now. Are you going to help me, or what?"

"First of all, I don't care if you try to beat my ass. You're not scarier than anyone else. Secondly... What classes are you taking?"

If he needs help in any science stuff, then...maybe.

If he's expecting me to help in memory based classes, like the history that he's apparently passing... Then he's out of luck with me.

I don't like learning stuff like dates and the shit people used to do. Unless those people invented something.

"I just need help in science and math...maybe Spanish. I'm not good at those. But I'm not fucking repeating high school. That's for sure."

"Okay," I force myself to stand, "I'll think about it."

"You'll think about it? I guess I didn't make myself clear. You're helping me, whether you want to or not."

"I don't have to do as you say. You're not my dad or anything, dumb-ass. I glare at him.

Who the hell does he think he is?

"I don't think you realize that I could make your life a living hell. You're like, fucking five feet tall, and you can't weigh more than 125. I could pound you into the ground. Don't make me."

Just the fact that he hasn't done anything yet tells me something. He's been all bark and no bite with me.

He isn't as...bad...as I thought he was.

"Try me. I have to go. I don't have time for this. Maybe... Meet me tomorrow. I'll give you the choice of us meeting either before or after school."

Let him think he has some freedom in this. Some options.

"After." He says instantly.

"Okay. We'll figure something out tomorrow after school, then," I tell him, "Goodbye, Damien."


Damien Cohen...

One of the biggest bullies in the whole school.

He is comparable to the people who have hurt me the most in my life. He's brutal, and big, and scary...

He must be weaker than I thought. Considering he hasn't even touched me.

"Wait." He stops me.


"I... I don't even know your name."

Oh, right.

I guess that is mildly important.

"Josiah Walker." I tell him.

"Right. See you tomorrow, Walker." He says.


...I made a mistake.

He's going to call me by my last name.

Like everyone in this goddamn school does.

Fuck my life.


August 24th- Book One in the May 3rd seriesWhere stories live. Discover now