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Hey guuuyyysss!!! It has been exactly 36 days so a little more than a month since I last posted and I'm finally back with a new chapter. I hope you guys enjoy. I have been posting a lot more frequently on my Imagines Book and my own book, The Demon Lord's Angel. It would mean a lot to me if you went and checked them both out. Thank you!! Now...Without further or do...Enjoy...

Feyre P

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Feyre P.O.V

We had been going at this for hours and still had found absolutely, utterly nothing. The villages had been ransacked by their own lingering few soldiers, killing anyone who had information on practically anything. Once word got out of what Hybern's army was doing to Hybern, most of their people fled to Courts that would accept them. Ours did. I was currently perched on top an old barrel, not caring if my Illyrian leathers got dirty. I had changed before arriving here, knowing this was going to be messy and to say the least, it certainly was. For once, Rhys was also in Illyrian leathers, deciding if one of our closest allies saw, it wouldn't make that big of a difference. It didn't. I had originally planned on going but the exhaustion had gotten to me and I'd practically fainted onto Tarquin.

Lost in my thoughts, I was a little stricken when night and sea erupted in front of me as Tarquin and Rhys winnowed beside the torn apart house. "Any luck?", I asked not expecting an answer, only a shake of a head and grim eyes.

I did receive one however, from Tarquin, "Yes actually, you might want to see this." I hadn't realized the guards that had went with them had returned with a brown cloth bag, in it lay the crown which the King of Hybern had worn the day he died. It had flew into the forest and no one had thought to go search for it...or in this case, someone apparently did and brought it back here. Who and why had they done it was still a mystery but I couldn't bring myself to care as we had just discovered the one item that could destroy him, once and for all.

Aelin P.O.V

There. We were almost there to what we thought was the place where we could get rid of the nuisance called my aunt. Doranelle. The familiar stone walls were still there, pale stone high and looking over the rest of the city. Sellene had been informed of our arrival though she didn't know the reason for it, she still had welcomed us, even sending a few guards our way so they could lead us to the castle. Not that it was hard to miss. The memories that came with this place were certainly not pleasant but to get rid of Maeve, it would be something we would have to do.

Steeling myself, I walked through the arched stone, not letting my eyes wander anywhere but the lounge where Rowan's cousin should now be. She was beautiful the first time I met her and still was, possibly even more, the whitethorn trait of silver hair cascading down her back in subtle waves with a crown perched above her head while a gown of the softest blue flowed behind her. She threw a smile our way, standing up and giving each of us a short hug, more for courtly purposes than anything. We hadn't left on bad terms, not good terms but certainly not bad.

"Any reason behind this surprise visit?" she said, sitting down and motioning us to do the same. Perched on a white cushioned chair, I started explaining the twisted story of going to Pyrthian and Maeve being there with the Rowan and the rest frequently pitching in.

By the end, her eyes were wide, slightly surprised and shocked but definitely angered at the mention of Maeve and to clarify, she spoke, summarizing our explanation, "So, you and Rowan went on a run which then led to a portal so you went and got the rest of your crew here so you could all go through. After going through, you met the people who saved your life and thanked them after winnowing to a place called Velaris. After you sparred for fun with 3 illyrians, the 3 sisters fainted and then Maeve and 2 other idiots came with the High Lord person pinning them with his magic to a wall. The sisters woke up and after a meeting with the other High Lords, you decided the only way to defeat them was to trap them in one of their belongings with a containment spell and that's why you're here, to get something that belongs to Maeve."

"Yes...basically...", said Dorian who had been leaning back in his chair but now had his fore arms on his knees and perched forward.

She only managed to nod before standing up and leading the way to where most likely, one of Maeve's items would still be, "Nothing on Maeve is left since you burned her body and I doubt clothes of her or anything like that still linger but we can check and make sure." Following her, we walked through the hallways and were lead into a room with old boxes covered in at least an inch of dust. Great, let's get unboxing.

 Great, let's get unboxing

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Boom! Chapter out. Not the biggest chapter but something remotely important does happen so yeah. I know it's been a while. Like, a really long while. 2 of my books have come out and I've posted on there but at least I'm posting on here again. I'll try to get an other chapter out as soon as I graduate and am done with school. Definitely be expecting more frequent updates once summer starts and...I'm going to try wrapping this up soon because I don't want to leave this without a good ending for too long. I will be signing off as BlackRoseMagic or whitejasmine579 instead of #MultiFandoms from now on becuase I changed my username so basically that's it. I have nothing else to say and I hope you enjoyed.

Recommend me a good quote from ToG or ACoTaR that I haven't used yet so I can use it to sign off my chapters,


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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