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"What" I grumble "My mom wants to know if we're spending the night here" spending the night where...wait! I open my eyes and try to get up but something is holding me down. I turn my head and take in that I'm entangled with Carter on the couch.

I'm halfway on top of him with his leg and arm wrapped around me. I look down and realize that my legs are on top of a dogmatic Daniel "you know most girls take me out on date before I allow them to lay on me" he smirks, I quickly move my legs, waking up Carter. He's about to fall but I hold onto him, he beams with widened eyes. His face is just an inch away from mine. I notice a cute freckle on his button nose.

Hearing a cough, I blush remembering how close I am to Carter. I pull away and stare at the wall. He unwraps his leg as I move away from him. This is so embarrassing. I'm so stupid.

Scott is sneering at Carter, "I get dumped and you instantly slide in my girls d.m.'s " What? Wait Carter is hitting on Scott's ex? I stare at Carter shocked. He didn't seem like the type.

"First of all she was never yours, and secondly the only thing that Carter is sliding, is his big-" Skye cuts Daniel with fake gagging noise. Now I'm just lost. Was she or was she not his ex? The only way to find out is me asking straight up. "Wait, who was never Scott's and what is Carter sliding?" They all turn to stare at me for a whole minute, then burst out laughing. Wtf. I'm done, this is too much socializing for me.

"Don't listen to them, they are just being stupid" Skye assures me, patting my head. I just nod, agreeing to ignore.

Skye calls her mom to come pick us up. She asked me if I wanted to spend the night, I wanted to say no but i didn't want them to drop me at my place. It's not a nice neighborhood to be in at this time. I'm ok with it, but I don't want Skye to see the drunks that hang around my porch. She would definitely freak and take me to her house anyway.

I call my dad to let him know. He doesn't care where I'm at, as long as it's with girls. Growing up, my most important rule was to never talk to boys. I broke that rule when I was six, with the curly haired boy and I have no regrets.

I was too scared to talk to other boys, I didn't know how. So the only ones I grew up talking to were my father, Luis, and the curly haired boy. When I left to Cali, I was allowed to talk to my uncle but not his sons. I never understood my dad, the rules he would give me never made sense.

After the forth ring my father picks up "que pasó?" (What's up) He slurs, obviously being drunk. "Papa, me voy a quedar con una amiga de la escuela" (dad, I'm gonna be staying with a friend from school) I reply content with my choice.

"Aha.. esta bien mija. peroooo tienes que llegarrr... muuuy temprano.. vale?" (It's ok but you need to get here early ok?)Yeah he's really drunk, I'll just say yes, knowing he'll forget. "Si papi." "Ok. Te quiero hija" I stay still listening to his breathes. "Te quiero también" I mumble before hanging up.

I tiptoe back inside Scott's room. Scott is playing Assassin's Creed while Daniel is shouting at all his wrong moves. Sky is on her phone, this is the first time today I've seen her be serios. I go to sit by her and watch her for awhile .

Getting bored, I turn to watch Carter who is playing Candy Crush on his phone. I hold in a snicker, giving my attention back to the Perry brothers. "Mom is having dinner with some coworkers, so we got to wait" Sky blunty says, still playing with her phone. I decide not to reply knowing that she won't hear me.

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