Brunsta the 👹itch

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"Tammy Brunsta, is her name.You need to be careful with that witch! Before she takes your soul." my brother informs me, walking back and forth in his room with his hands on his hips.

Which looks hilarious with his size, he's 6'2 and pretty muscular. He has black hair like my mother and it's curly like my fathers. I shake my head and giggle "Luis you say that about every female teacher." He stops and looks at me as if I just cursed in front of mom. "Thats because most are! I promise you that I'm right with this one even ask Angelica!" He shouts, rushing to the door and swinging it open"Angie! Get your ugly butt over here and explain to our lil sister how she needs to be careful with 'Brunsta the witch'" he turns to face me and shakes his head, his Smokey eyes, playfully glare at me.

I'm about to say 'she won't' but am stopped when I hear fast, heavy steps get louder and louder. Then walks in our big sister looking straight at me with her big honeyed eyes. "Bebé, he's telling the truth. I know he can be a drama queen with-" she gets interrupted by our idiot brother. "Drama queennn!? Bitch if anything I'm a Drama Lord!" He shouts, waving his hand around with attitude. Angelica rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, staring at him blankly "Do you want me to tell her or not? Estupido"

Luis lowers his head in submission to this 5'4 petite girl as she rolls her eyes and turns to face me again. "Bebé,La bruja Brunsta es una puta.Cross my heart bebé, and you need to watch out for her ok?" She tells me ands nods waiting for my respond. Obviously I believe her, Angie has never been the type to talk about her teachers, she knows that when she gets in trouble it's because she's just being stupid. Unlike Luis who swears that all male teachers were bullies in high school who became teachers just to keep on torturing, and all female teachers were witches waiting to eat all our souls. The worst part is that he actually believed it.

"Si carnala, don't trust brujas. Got it." I agree with a cheesy smile. She smiles and pats my head "but what exactly makes her a witch Angie?" I ask her so I could understand better. She crunches up her black curly hair as she looks into my brothers mirror. She turns to face me, tapping her chin "Where do I even start?"

So this is her, Brunsta the Witch. Usually I would just ignore but she talked about my mother and you just don't do that. "You know, there's this one teacher that they call the witch." I can't believe I'm doing this

"She likes to bully her students, especially the ones who remind her of her own bullies." I pause, thinking that this isn't me but there's no going back now. So I continue "One time a cheerleader in her class exclaimed that the British accent was the hottest... You know what this teacher said? She said that the British accent was the ugliest accent that she's ever heard. That the men from there aren't even good looking ."I shake my head at her as she stares at me with wide eyes.

First of all, just because she didn't agree with the girl does not mean she had to diss on British men. Second of all, it's not even true and millions would disagree, including me. She's just a halfwit bitch, who wanted to agitate a kid.

I drop my smirk and stare at her for awhile "obviously a Brit had broken her heart and so she was being petty with that comment."  I let out a dramatic sigh  "There are much more things she's done that I could easily pass along. I could tell everyone what a terrible person this teacher is. But would it be fair to judge a person that you have not met?"

I'm no longer leaning on the fridge, my hands are down to my side with my chest up. I'm looking into her eyes, waiting for her response. She is clearly shocked, so I look away to examine the other teacher who is looking me up and down with a raised brow. Buzz cut strawberry hair. He's a hefty Ginger. I slowly turn to eye Mrs. Brunsta. I notice someone sitting but I can't clearly see his face since she's in the way.

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