Mr . Anderson

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When we walk in, there's a sitting arrangement on the smart board. "Mr. A, whats going on? We've never had assigned seats in here" Scott asks as he walks towards the board. "Change is always good, Scott" I turn to look at Anthony who has his nose in a book. Scott grunts "aww man I wanted to be next to Aurora" Anthony shoots up and gives me a warm smile "Good morning Aurora" I give him a small smile and greet him.

I turn back to the board to see where I'm seated. I find my name in the front row, in front of Anthony's desk. "Damn... Mr A. can I switch seats with Cristina! It should be boy girl, boy girl." Scott whines. I look to see that this girl Cristina is seated behind me. I turn to take a seat and smile at her, she smiles right back.  "No Scott, now go sit" Anthony orders in an annoyed tone.

More students start to walk in and then the late bell rings. Most of the seats are boy, girl, boy girl, except the ones by me. To my left there's a girl and behind her is another girl. I don't mind it at all, I rather be surrounded by moody girls then horny boys.

"Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a good weekend. I know I sure did." He chuckles, glancing at me. I wonder why his weekend was good. Probably had a date or met a girl.

The girls sitting next to me giggles, the one to my left flips her hair as she eyes Anthony. Oh. I guess we have horny girls as well. Most kids my age were like this, I never understood it. I mean yeah sex is fun, but making love must be amazing. I've never made love to anyone but I like to think that when I do I'll always want to be with that person because of the connection we created by doing it.

Just having sex, makes you feel special while you're doing it but once you're done you feel like shit. I don't know if that's how everyone feels but I sure do. Probably because I've only had one nighters, well with the guys I've actually got to choose.

Anthony asks if anyone wants to share anything they did on the weekend and some do. When they are done he looks back at me and smiles "Mr. A who's the new girl?" I hear a boy's voice from the other side of the class. Damn. They can see me..

"This is Aurora. Today is her first day with us so I expect all of you to welcome her and treat her nicely." Anthony tells the class as he crosses his arms. A couple voices are heard as they greet me. I look around and smile at them shyly. Anthony claps his hands "Alright. Let's get to work." He turns around and writes down STAY GOLD. I tilt my head, repeating the phrase in my head. Why does it sound so familiar? He proceeds to explain how many, have a different view on the phrase. We need to write a five paragraph essay about our own view.

As everyone starts to get out paper and a pencil, Anthony crouches in front of me. "Because you are new, I don't expect you to have your own view on this. Unless you've read the book or have seen the movie" I smile and whisper so I don't distract anyone "umm what book is it exactly? I've heard the phrase before but I can't remember where I've heard it" he has a shock expression but as fast as it came as fast as it disappeared.

"It's The Outsiders." The outsiders? Why does that sound so familiar.. "I think I've heard about it , it sounds familiar." He smiles and mumbles "I'm pretty sure you have" have I seen it ? Maybe everyone has, it must be a popular movie.

"Well I have the movie if you want to borrow it, or you can just read the book tonight but I doubt you want to have that as your first homework" he chuckles as he stands back up.

"Yes I would like to read it Mr. Anderson, if you don't mind? It'll give me something to do and I don't mind reading." He looks taken back for awhile.

"Mr. Anderson can you help me for a second?" A girl asks and he looks at her and nods, before he walks away he assures me he'll be right back.

There's a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to see Cristina with a folded paper. I look at her confused and she points at Scott while rolling her eyes. He waves and lips the words open it. I turn back around and unfold the paper.

'Hey.' Seriously that's all he wanted, I turn around and lip hey back. He pouts and I playfully roll my eyes before turning back around.

A few minutes later I feel another tap and Cristina has another folded paper , I take it and unfold it. 'yeaaaah I guess just saying hey was kinda dumb.'I smile as I continue to read. 'Soooo I overheard that you haven't seen the movie. I was wondering if you wanted to come over later and watch it at my place'.

Is he asking me out ? You can't just invite a girl you just met to your house. I swear these white people are crazy. What should I write back, I can't just say no, that'll be rude.

I hear footsteps, quickly I fold the paper and put it in my pocket. I look up and see Anthony walking to his desk. He opens a drawer and takes out a book. He looks back at me, I quickly look down embarrassed that he caught me staring like some creep.

I hear his steps coming closer and I slowly peek up to see him look quite amused. He probably thinks I'm oogling like this girl to my left. I cringe at the thought. How disturbing to be hitting on your teacher who has no interest in you. I mean yeah I like older men but I would never make the first move.

He walks to my side dropping a book on my desk. He leans in as I hold my breath. "This is my personal copy, I hope you enjoy the book, Aurora" our eyes meet when he says my name. He stares directly into mine, not losing eye contact.

I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. Which makes me even more anxious, scared that he can hear my heart. I start to chew on my bottom lip and see his eyes fixed to my lips, my eyes widen at this . I look down and clear my throat. "Thank you .. sir " I quietly say checking out the book. I hear a chuckle "Of course, Aurora" he walks back to his desk.

After I calm down I open the book and read. I couldn't really get into it due to feeling like someone was watching me. Also the main character, Pony Boy.. there was something about him, something about his name. I know that name. I know I've seen the movie before, I remember watching it when I was smaller but I can't exactly remember with who I watched it with.

The bell rings and everyone starts to pack their things to leave. I rip a piece of paper and use it as a bookmark. I stand up and grab my satchel, I turn to look at Anthony who was looking my way.

"How are you liking it so far?" he asks me, I smile "I'm really liking it Mr. Anderson. But I think I've seen the movie before. I can't quite remember but I remember the name Pony boy and the phrase Stay gold. I just don't remember how I saw the movie" he nods slowly with a furrowed brow as he listens to me.

"Don't worry Aurora. I promise that the more you read, the more you'll remember" I hope he's right. I hate that I can't remember anything from my childhood.

I feel an arm around me and I jump at the touch. I turn and see Simpleton Scott grinning at me "So angel, who you have next." He asks. Seriously what was the point of me telling him my name if he was going to keep calling me angel.

I look back at Anthony, his whole demeanor has changed. His arms are crossed as he stares down Scott. I don't know what happened but I'm pretty sure he's mad.

"I need to check my schedule" I inform Scott, signaling  for him to let go. "Oh my bad" he says, lifting his arm off of me. I look for my phone and pull it out. As I read my schedule I can feel Scott's breath on my neck, he's reading over my shoulder. I swear this kid will be the end of me.

"Oh man, I won't see you till lunch. Oh well! I guess I'll just have to stick with walking you to class" I shake my head " you don't have to" I look back to Anthony who is now smiling. "I'll see you later Mr.Anderson".


We're meant to be. Right?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora