I met evil when I was a child

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Do you ever wonder how different your life would be if that one thing didn't happen.

I require so much reassurance like things could be going perfectly fine but there's always a part of me that believes that all of it is but a dream.

In the end no one loves me. My parents only say they love me because they have to. I'm a disgusting rodent, why would they care for me.

Somewhere deep inside me tells me I'm wrong , that they do but what if they don't..

My feelings are so confusing. Do they love me or do they not?

I didn't always feel like this .
I didn't start until that one night became many nights.

I was only a child. I couldn't understand why he would hurt me like this . We were family, he was supposed to protect me. He failed me and he failed my father.

He was kind to me when we arrived. He would take me out for walks to go get ice cream. He would spoil me with so many things. So I trusted him, I believed he loved me as his own daughter.

When I had turned nine, my uncle promised to take me to Disneyland but he lied.


My uncle woke me up at six in the morning , he said that it was a long drive. I was about to wake up my cousins when he stopped me. He told me that it was my day so I would be getting all the attention.

I was so excited, I hadn't gotten my own attention since I was with my curly haired boy. There were six of us kids living in this house and four adults. My daddy and his friend  were gone for work. So I was happy that my uncle remembered my birthday.

He handed me my first present, it was a blue dress with ruffles . I don't really like dresses, and This one was too short. I decided to take  a shower and put on my jeans and shirt. When I got out my uncle looked sad. "You didn't like the dress?" He asked with a frown . I felt bad for making him sad .

I shook my head "I do Tío , but mi mamá dice that I should save new things for special days" I answered, smiling at him . He shook his head. "Today is a special day niña. Today a beautiful girl was born. So go put it on" he replied turning me around and patting my butt.

He would always pat my butt, he would pat all our butts so it wasn't weird to me. I changed into the dress and saw white socks in the bag as well, they also had ruffles on the top. They were knee length and then under neath was a box. I opened it up and saw black tapping shoes.

I quickly put them on and ran out to my tío . I jumped into his arms and hugged him tight. "Gracias tío!" I was so grateful. I wanted to learn how to tap dance and now that I have the shoes I knew I could finally join a dancing class.

He twirled me around and hushed me. He didn't want me to wake up my cousins. I nodded and he put me down. He grabbed the keys and placed them in his back pocket then held my hand.

We walked to the car, well he walked I was skipping, enjoying the tap sounds. He opened the back door for me and I jumped in. When I was buckling In I saw a backpack and a gift bag. I was confused with the backpack but I  gave all my focus on the gift bag.

We're meant to be. Right?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن