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"You never look good, trying to make someone else look bad."

When I was about eight years old my mother got the courage to leave my father, but when the divorce came he had asked to get custody over me and he would leave my two older siblings and little sister without a fight. She had every right to keep all of us but I guess she was done with fighting. So that was the end of hospital visits, court dates, and safe houses for her, as for me... let's just say that was just the beginning.

I understood though, my father had connections with some string pulling  people and he could've ended with all of us in the end. Even if I could go back in time and be able to change my position with my other siblings, I wouldn't . My siblings had a future, even at eight I knew I would never amount to anything and I was ok with it. My father and I moved to Compton, California where his brother was living. His lowlife of a brother was so happy to let us live with him and I quickly learned why.

Nevertheless, five years later I left and now I'm back with my mother. My father and I moved into a trailer and two days after our arrival he left for his 'job' I was used to it and honestly I didn't mind it. I would count down the days for his next 'project' to come. This project would take him a week.

So here we are walking to the main office of my new school. My mother would be enrolling me even though the school year is almost over. We walk in and are greeted by an older woman that's probably in her 60's . She has black hair that was definitely dyed due to her grey roots showing. I examine her as she pushes her glasses back up her nose with her middle finger that had a black ring on it. "Oh hello, how may I help you ladies?" She asks my mother as she glances at me.

"Yes I'm Crisella,I need to talk to The principal about my daughter who will be starting next week", my mother replies and I smile at her accent . After all this time it is still there and honestly I like it that way, it made her exquisite . My mother was the most beautiful person I have ever seen. She has black straight hair with honeyed eyes. Her skin is olive and it went with her light tan lips. I clearly got my curves from her, she was a lil chunky but her 5'2 self was content.

The older woman stood up from her seat and handed her hand out for my mother to shake "oh yes! You're the Lovato's! Nice to meet you! You may call me Shelby". She grinned at my mother, shaking her hand so fast that I felt like it would fall off any second now. "My daughter is Lovato, I'm no longer one, but you can just call me Crisella. Nice meeting you and this is-" she paused to look back at me as she signaled me to come closer "mija ven" she whispered and turned back around to face Mrs. Shelby. I step forward slowly and give her a polite smile. "Hello I'm Aurora, it's nice to meet you Mrs. Shelby " I greet as I reach for her hand.

Her eyes widen as she shakes my hand, which confuses me ... did I say something wrong. "Those manners! I think we will be getting along Ms. Lovato!" She says with excitement, grinning at me, I return a bigger smile, (not as big as hers of course)as I think yes I believe we will.

Shortly after a door opens to our right and an older man walks out, he looks like he might be in his late fifties I assume it's just from stress and he's much younger. He has dirty blonde hair with blue eyes. His beard however was brown with some grey strands.

"You must be The Lovato's" he walks towards me and hands out his hand. I reach for it and he grasps it with his other hand "I'm Mr. Smith, yes yes , I know it's such a basic name" he jokes, winking at me. I smile " I'm Aurora and this is my mother Crisella Ruiz" I introduce, as I emphasize her last name.

We're meant to be. Right?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن