Chapter 6: Love Lost

Start from the beginning

"Not yet..." I said frowning.

"Well, maybe you should talk to someone. It's not good to keep it all in if something is bothering you" Professor Schultz said.

I nodded my head frowning.

"Good luck, Kai. Get better" Professor Schultz said smiling.

I headed out of the classroom, and Natalie started asking me questions.

"Kai! How'd it go? What did she want to talk about?" Natalie asked.

"Oh, uh... it was nothing. Everything's fine" I said as I faked a smile.

"Kai... you don't have to lie to me. I saw your face when she called you out in class. You're clearly upset about something" Natalie said frowning.

"Okay, you're right... but, I kinda don't wanna talk about it" I said frowning.

"Aww, okay" Natalie said frowning.

We had a silent moment as we headed out of the building.

"Hey, wanna grab food?" Natalie asked smiling.

"Not hungry..." I replied frowning.

"Starbucks?" Natalie asked smiling.

"Not in the mood" I said frowning.

"Wow, you never turn down Starbucks... whatever's going on with you must be critical" Natalie said frowning.

Devon's POV

Two weeks later...

I got a text from Kai a while ago, but I couldn't bear to answer it because of how he hurt me. Was he really just using me?

Here goes another text from Kai...

Devon, can I please
just talk to you?
How are you holding
Read 3:35 pm

I can't respond because there's nothing to talk about with him.

I decided to call someone who can give me great advice...

"Hey, Devon!" Taissa said smiling.

"Taissa! Hey" I said frowning.

"How are you? How's your friend?" Taissa asked smiling.

"Not so great..." I said frowning.

"Oh no!" Taissa said frowning.

"Can I have some advice?" I asked frowning.

"Of course! What's up?" Taissa asked.

"So, if you fell in love with someone, and they said that they liked you too, but they still had feelings for someone else, does that mean he used me? Cause that's all I'm getting from this, and it's already been like two weeks and I can't take it anymore" I said frowning.

"Have you talked to him?" Taissa asked.

"Not since we took space... why?" I asked frowning.

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