Chapter 10 Uninvited

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Unknown P.o.v.

"That fucker almost broke my arm!"

"Who did?" The man sitting at the computer desk asked, after puffing out the smoke from his cigarette.

"Some stupid omega... Trying to act all tough on me!" The hurt alpha, holding his arm, walked into the dimly lit room and kicked something random out of frustration.

"Let it go man, we have other things on our mind right now. We have to get rid of that Suppasit... Once he's gone, we can ship out the big supplies of drugs. He's holding everything up."

A sneer was on the man's face as he was scrolling through something on the computer when suddenly an evil grin appeared on his face.

"Bingo, this is it. Been looking for some connection, because he is frequently seen here in the city. Suspicious for someone who had nothing to do here. He found himself a pretty omega, look." The man said with an evil smile and angled the screen to the sulking man on the couch. He looked up to see and his eyes widened.

"Hey, that's that stupid omega who tried to break my arm!" He pointed at the screen and stood up.

The man by the computer turned to the other and grinned.

"Well, lucky you then, time to get revenge, this is Suppasit's lover boy. I just located him. Wait till the boss hears we've got his weakness. Once we have him, we have Suppasit." His smile grew bigger.

"And I just know where to find him"


Breathing in slowly and aiming, Mew put his finger on the trigger and with his exhaling breath he pulled. Bullseye...

He looked up and watched the little hole in the dummies heart. He always felt relaxed here. Just shooting his anger away instead of reacting it off on his subordinates. He aimed again and shot another few times before he heard Kaownah behind him.

"Boss, we have a situation."

Well yeah, they had a few situations. He was back in the city where his loved one lived and he was trying to find out who wanted to take him out. All clues let him here. He knew they were after him because he was trying to stop a very big drug deal from happening. He wasn't all that bad; he was only bad when he wanted to and needed to, but this was too much. This is why they wanted to get him out of the way. But Mew wasn't just some amateur who would leave with a few threats. People who knew him, knew Mew didn't let anyone play with him.

Who played got hurt.

"What is it this time. "Mew sighed and turned around putting his gun back in its holster.

"A few of our men who went missing were found dead. They got branded by the rival gangs' mark. Boss, we are sure they are behind these attacks. We also located a few of his men around town and got our hands on a couple, but others got away."

Of course, he was the only one who could be behind all of this... Art was a sneaky bastard. Mew thought. Art was on the wrong end of the mafia side and he would only get in much more trouble if he kept this up. Mew grinded his teeth as he walked back and Kaownah led him the way to his car. He needed to go back to the apartment they rented to call in a few of his man. He had to find Art quickly, he knew he was holding himself up somewhere here in the city so he was close by. Now they just had to find a way to get him.

He was in the car when his phone pinged. Mew always felt his heartbeat quicken at this certain ping. It was the one he had installed when Gulf would text him. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and opened the text.

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