Chapter 2 What's that smell?

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After an exhausting 5 hours on the bus, he finally arrived in the familiar neighbourhood. He had been in and out of sleep on the bus ride and it made him even more exhausted with his head hitting the bus window every time. He had looked in his selfie camera to see if it hadn't left a bruise on his head because he felt like he got a concussion every time it happened. The rest of the hours he tried to sit up not wanting another head banger from the window. Now they had arrived in front of his parents' house, he paid the taxi driver and took his stuff from the trunk and looked up. He saw the cosy white house standing tall between all the similar-styled houses. He didn't know he had missed it that much when a smile appeared on his face and he saw an excited figure waving at him from the window. His mom of course. He waved back and grinned while walking up the steps to the front door with his weekend back over his shoulder. His mom was there already holding the door open for him with a big smile on her face.

"Gulf! You've grown so much!" she engulfed him in a tight hug and Gulf almost dropped his stuff with the sudden hug.

"I've missed you too. But, really, I haven't grown that much." he answered and kissed her on the cheek and smiled down at her.

"Well, definitely always taller than me "she joked.

Gulf looked around; everything still looked the same as always. Mom didn't like change and she had always disliked it when Gulf left to go to college and live on his own.

"Where's dad?" he asked as he didn't see him.

"He's in the kitchen making dinner. Your favourite this time!" she said exited. Gulf laughed and walked with his mother into the kitchen to greet his dad. He was cooking dinner and was murmuring over the stove. As he looked up his eyes widened with glee and he put his spoon down to pull Gulf in a big hug.

"Son! You're back! Wait till your sister sees you." he laughed and pulled away to look Gulf up and down.

"Yes, still so pretty, have you lost weight? Good thing I cooked a lot" he said with a sigh.

"Stop that Dad" Gulf said as his eyes darted away shyly. His dad would always say that when he visited. Of course, they knew he was an omega and they were very proud of him. They had never shamed him for being an omega and embraced his second nature. It was just Gulf that couldn't live with it. He wished to have the same mentality as them.

"I've been working a lot, maybe that's why I've lost some weight." he said as he put his bag near the door before sitting down at the dinner table not thinking much of it. His dad looked at him and shook his head.

"You don't need to work part-time boy, you get money from us monthly right for your expenses?" he said with a question in his voice. Gulf looked up and felt like he had been found out. He worked to be able to afford those scent-neutralizers. He couldn't say that as he laughed a little nervously and thought about what to say now.

"You know I also want to be able to pay for things myself. Not just your money" he said nonchalantly like he wasn't just telling a blatant lie. They didn't need to know he hid his second nature and everyone had been thinking he was an alpha. They nodded and understood. "Well it's your life, you should have more fun instead of working so much then. How's the love life going? Any good-looking alpha around who swooned you of your feet?" Dad asked jokingly and winked at him. Gulf darted his eyes around and gulped. What was he supposed to say about that! He needed to get away from here because the questions were getting more and more personal.
"Okay, I'm going to my room to unpack, call me when dinner is ready!" he avoided the question and got up. He waved and grabbed his stuff before going up the stairs. He heard his dad chuckle and say something to his mom that he couldn't hear any more as he stood in front of his old bedroom door. As he opened, he smiled. it was still the same as always. His bed was in the corner of the room next to his window. He always loved waking up with the chirping of the birds and the sunlight shining in. The old posters on the wall and the action figures he had collected and hadn't taken with him to college still stood tall on his dresser. The mirror with the crack on the left side from when he was so mad, he found out he was an omega also wasn't replaced yet. His parents didn't know why it was cracked though. He dumped his bag on the floor and jumped on his bed face first and sighted. He was happy to be home and just relax and be himself for a while. He had been pretending and acting to much the last years he was exhausted from pretending to be that tough and stern alpha. He was way to soft to act like that all the time. His second nature was right. He was way more of a cuddly person and his personality was also way softer. He loved being taken care of, although he would never admit it. He wanted to feel arms wrap around him and kiss his neck softly. That's what his heart wanted but he hid that far away. He could also be the one giving all that affection, he could try at least.

Secrets from the omega •Mew/Gulf•Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin