Nanamiki - mafia gfs

Start from the beginning

When she called, Mikan picked up.

"Hold on a second, I need to go to my office." Chiaki could hear Mikan closing a door and locking it. "Yes, dear?"

Chiaki pouted. "Don't 'yes dear' me. What was that about?"

"Oh, we're talking about that.." Mikan knew she was about to get an earful from Chiaki. "My finger slipped!"

"Say that again and I'll chop your trigger finger off." Chiaki scoffed. "Don't go trying to shoot my assistant again, okay?"

"Don't go getting all touchy-feely with him, though." Mikan sighed. Hajime upset her.

"I never do." Suddenly, Chiaki didn't feel so mad anymore. "So, why'd you decide to come here today?"

Mikan giggled. "I missed you! Is it so wrong to see my girlfriend at work?"

"When we're Mafia bosses, yes." Chiaki sighed. "You could've died."

"It's worth it! Seeing your cute little face is all I wanted to do." Mikan exclaimed. 

"You're going to be surprised when you see me at yours." Chiaki giggled. "I'll be dropping you off some roses."

"You're so s-" Mikan heard a knock at her door. "Someone's knocking. Ugh." Mikan grumbled.

"It's fine. I'll see you at home. Love you."

"Love you too."

And with that, their phone call ended. Chiaki sat her phone down and looked down at her desk. She should probably clean up here. Nah.

Chiaki left her office, and shouted, "I need two dozen roses and expensive wine!"

Instantly, someone left to go get them for her. Chiaki smiled slightly. Mikan is gonna be happy.

"What could you possibly need roses for?" Hajime asked, filing his nails.

"My very particular needs." Chiaki smiled, feeling awfully giddy all of a sudden.

"What're you gonna do, have sex with yourself?" Hajime teased.

"No, I'm hooking up with your mom." Chiaki unwrapped a piece of candy. "And your dad, actually."

"At the same time?"

"No." Chiaki ate a piece of hard candy.

"I don't know if you're joking or not, because that's something you'd actually do.." Hajime sighed.

"I'm joking." Chiaki giggled.

Hajime sighed with relief.

Just then, the person who left came back with what Chiaki asked for.

"Thanks." Chiaki said. The person bowed. Chiaki smiled. Chiaki looked down at her watch. 7pm exactly. She'd like to go home this early, but she had things to do.

She waved bye to Hajime and went back into her office. She'd need to clean things up and handle some business.


It has taken her two and a half hours to do all she had to do, but she'd finally be able to go home and see Mikan! She peeked out of her office. Everyone hadn't left yet, but that was no problem.

"Hajime, could you watch things here? I have somewhere very important to be." Chiaki grinned.

"Are you going to screw my parents?"

"Not unless you want me to." Chiaki giggled, trying to hold the roses softly.

"Don't screw my parents." Hajime massaged his temples.

After talking with Hajime a bit more, Chiaki was on her way home. She decided that she'd walk this time, just to be sure she wasn't being followed.

While walking, she wondered if Mikan was already home or not. It was almost 10pm, but Chiaki knew that running a mafia could be time consuming sometimes. She'd just have to wait for Mikan.

Once she got home, she opened the door. Their cat, Onion, ran up to Chiaki. Onion rubbed up against Chiaki's legs.

"I'm home!" Chiaki exclaimed. No reply. Mikan could either be hiding, or she really wasn't home. Chiaki had a feeling that she was hiding.

Chiaki sat the roses and wine on the counter, then picked onion up. "Have you seen Mikan?"

Onion stared back at her, extremely confused.

"Oh yeah, you're a cat." Chiaki sat Onion back down, petting his head a little. "Let's go find Mikan!"

Chiaki checked the bathroom, then under the couches, then the closet, then the second bathroom, then in the kitchen cabinets, then their bedroom closet, and then finally, Chiaki checked under their bed.

"Boo." Mikan exclaimed. Chiaki smiled fondly, and helped Mikan up.

"Welcome home." Mikan pressed a tender kiss to Chiaki's cheek.

"I brought you stuff!" Chiaki exclaimed, dragging Mikan back downstairs.

She ran to the flowers and wine, giving them all to Mikan.

Word count: 1265
if all of my followers were in a room together.. well, it'd be a cramped room? 164 is a lotta ppl. (-2, technically.) anyway, you guys would probably make like, really unfunny jokes. but the good kind. jokes that are so unfunny they're funny. bye guys hope we don't get our rights taken haha. haha.

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