Decisions and Plans

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Tamaki walked down the hall of the school blushing lightly and smiling, his heart beat out of his chest he felt as if he couldn't want anything more than for the time to fly and be eight already, he was excited and happy that Kyoya had felt the same way. 

Kyoya sat on the couch, pulling out his phone and calling his driver to pick him up. As he hung up the phone he looked up at the baby grand piano sitting next to the window that Tamaki would sit at and play. He walked over to it and sat at the bench, pulling the lid of the piano up and running his fingers across the ivory keys. He smiled and looked out the window, seeing Tamaki getting into his limo and leaving. He closed his eyes and thought of the kiss they had shared. He could not wait until the next day to be with Tamaki again.


Kyoya laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He closed his eyes and saw Sebastian standing over him with those lustful red eyes. Next to him was Tamaki and his warm loving lavender ones. He snapped out of it as his phone vibrated against his leg. He flipped it open to see a new text message from Tamaki. He blushed as he opened the message.

I cant wait until tomorrow! See you at noon!

Kyoya set his phone down and sat on the edge of his bed, folding his arms across his knees. He closed his eyes and looked at the two men again. Both Tamaki and the demon held out a hand to him. Kyoya's heart raced. "What am I doing" he thought. "Is it wrong to love Tamaki even though I have given my heart and soul to Sebastian?" Kyoya grasped his head in pain. He felt torn. He loved Sebastian with all of his heart. But he also felt... something for Tamaki. He looked at Sebastian's hand and reached for it, but before their hands met, Ciel appeared beside Sebastian, his eyes burning with hatred. Kyoya fell backwards, his eyes wide and full of fear as he landed on his bedroom floor. He pulled his knees to his chest and began to softly weep. He knew he could never have Sebastian as long as Ciel was with him.

He closed his eyes tightly as he cried and felt a warm hand on his shoulder and looked up into Tamaki's soft lavender eyes. He held out a hand to Kyoya. He took the blonds hand and smiled.

 Kyoya opened his eyes and pushed himself up from the cold hardwood floor and wiped his eyes. He stood and walked to the mirror. He looked deeply into his own eyes and smiled. "Thank you... Tamaki"

Sebastian stood outside the study. He watched as Ciel paced about. He looked as though he was still very much upset with Sebastian and for good reason... but there was something else on his mind. Sebastian bit his lip nervously. 

Sebastian tried to read his mind and saw Ciel stop pacing, smirking a bit. The Butler growled as his eyes glowed red, he clenched his teeth. That damn brat wasn't thinking or even daring to!

Ciel knew Sebastian was watching him, hearing, listening to the thoughts in his mind, "Sebastian!" He chuckled, "Stop trying to listen to my thoughts and come in. I have some news and I'd like your opinion..."

Sebastian opened the door and stepped inside cautiously, giving him a look of apology and annoyance. Then it caught his eye. A book sitting on the desk with the Ouran Academy symbol shining silver in the light. The front cover read "Student Handbook" and it became all to clear to Sebastian what Ciel was planning. He felt his fists clench as he turned his gaze to the other who was smirking darkly at him. "Enrolling in Ouran Academy? That's taking things a little far don't you think?" He said trying his best to stay calm.

"It's not that you think it's too much...but its that you are concerned for your... sweet... Kyoya and that soul of his. You seem to be quite... infatuated with this little Ken I just want to keep a closer eye on him...  make sure our business.... and our lives relationships don't run off course." Ciel's words were tipped with venom as he spoke to Sebastian.

"...I want you to listen to me closely now and understand. You are mine and only mine. I made a contract with you. Obviously it didn't turn out exactly how you pictured it would be... But never the less our contract still stands..."  

  Ciel's anger began to boil over. "YOU BELONG TO ME! DON'T YOU FORGET IT!" He said spitefully.

Sebastian frowned a bit, "Yes..... My Lord ..." He spoke through his clenched teeth with a growl.

Ceil regained his composure, standing up strait, and as he turned his back to the other, with a wave of his hand said, "That is all. You may go."

Sebastian gave a small bow and left the room. A thick dark aura surrounded him, his fists clenched in absolute hatred and fury for Ciel's actions. He could feel tears spilling over his cheeks. He feared what would happen if Ciel got Kyoya alone. "What have I done?.... Kyoya....."

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