Back to Normal? Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow...

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Kyoya slowly opened his eyes but saw nor felt nothing. He wasn't there and yet he was. He had no voice or form. " I dead?'" 

Tamaki chuckled behind him, "No you idiot... not yet at least..."

Kyoya turned and looked, seeing Tamaki standing before him. "Tamaki.... you're... you're alive?"  

Tamaki laughed and his eyes began to glow a familiar red, "I guess you can say that~" he sneered. 

Kyoya stared emotionless at his old friend. "You're... You're a demon... But ho-.. never mind... you are alive and that is all that matters..." He smiled and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry.... for everything.... but I do not wish to return." 

"Are you kidding me? I want my fucking body back so get the fuck out." He glared at him, "I don't need any apologies from you either. You were never anything to me now that I think about it. So if you could just make everyone happy and go die in your own body thank you. It's a broken piece of shit now anyway thanks to you." He smirked. 

 Kyoya looked at Tamaki and sighed sadly. "What has the world done to you? Your soul used to sing the songs of angels. You had such love and passion for all you did... how you have fallen. Take your body. I am at peace... but I promise you this. After this moment look for me no more for it will be as if I never existed, though by your words I assume that means nothing to you." He began to fade away but smiled and spoke one last time. "I will never forget the time we spent together Tamaki Suoh. I hope you will do the same...remember who you are..."  

Tamaki looked up at Kyoya as the light of his soul faded away and panicked. Somehow what he had said made something in the last bit of his good half soul take hold of him, returning him to his senses. He shed a tear and felt his heart ache, "Wait... Kyoya wait!!" He threw himself at the fading light but before he could reach it, he opened his eyes gasping for breath as he lay in Haruhi's lap.  

Haruhi jumps a bit startled, tears running down her cheeks as the others began to smile. "It worked!" Nekozawa said in relief.

Tamaki looked at them, finally catching his breath before pushing away from them, getting to his feet clumsily as he made a mad dash for the Music Room where Kyoya's mangled body still lay lifeless and cold. "KYOYA!!!" he cried as he gently shook his body, "I... I didnt mean it... I didn't mean it...wake up you stupid idiot!!?" 

Suddenly Tamaki felt himself sent flying into the air, crashing against the wall of the Club. He shook his head and sat up in time to see Sebastian pick up Kyoya's body. 

  "I'll be taking this thank you~" he said with a wicked grin as he made his way to the window, "What a foo---" he began to say but was interrupted as he was kicked to the floor, Kyoya's body fell to the floor with a loud thud. Sebastian looked up at the angry blonde who stood with eyes shinning a dark red, huffing angrily with balled fists. Sebastian smirked and picked himself up as his eyes turned red, "Well now look what we have here. Yet another defiant little demon who refuses to accept their fate. Do you understand it is pathetic for a demon to hold on to his human emotions?"

  Tamaki smirked cockily at the butler. "It is funny you should say that demon... talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Take a look in the mirror why don't you. I can see right through you're pathetic lies. You are floundering, trying to keep your head above the sea of lies and mistakes you have made. You killed Ciel and now you are feeling the regret and emptiness that follows. Now you try to do the same to Kyoya who you have damaged in the process so you don't have to face the pain you have caused him as well." He frowns as he stares on at the Demon. "You don't have to hurt him. Kyoya is more understanding than you would think. There is still time... you can save him."  

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