~Chapter 8~

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I know. I know. I did it again. I took forever to grace you all with a new chapter. I do it all the damn time. 😫Just sue me already.

But before you do...

enjoy this chapter.

1 Year Ago


I woke up to a knock on my bedroom door

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I woke up to a knock on my bedroom door. "Bro, I'm about to head out. I know you half sleep so don't even bother getting up. I'll hit you later."

I had almost forgot my sister unexpectedly showed up to my house at 2 something in the morning with Chase's cousin at her hip. She told me about this dude named Ronnie, and how he had something over Chase's family.

She didn't get too much into details, but she said she needed to find a place far away for Chase and his cousin to lay low. After the body he just caught by offing his mother's killer, I thought it was a good idea.

Just like my sister, I didn't want to see Chase in this street shit. It wasn't for him. He had way too much potential to be playing this shit close.

Turning my body in the direction of my bedroom door, I responded back to my sister. "Alright be safe sis, and get back at me when you can."

"Uh, thank you Mr. E, for letting me rest my head here. It was um, nice to meet you." I heard another voice respond back. It had to be Chase's cousin, who I mistook for a zombie last night. I felt like it was kinda rude for me to be communicating through my bedroom door, but my body wasn't ready to get up just yet.

"No problem sweetheart. Take care and be safe." I responded back. I wondered what she looked like after some well needed rest, and almost wanted to get up out my bed to see for myself. But I'm sure I'd see her again, someday.

Hearing the sound of my front door shut, I went to turn back around to finish my sleep. It couldn't have been no more than 10 minutes before my phone start going off. I sighed mad hard knowing there was no way I was going back to sleep.

Picking up my phone, I felt back to back messages vibrating through my fingers, and short after, and incoming facetime call from Preach. He already knew I didn't do that facetime shit.

Declining that shit and just answering, I put the phone up to my ear, ready to curse bull out

"Ay yo, fuck wr_ "

"Yo man, you ain't peep the news?!? Man they killed Tay and K yo, they  violated our people yo_

"Wait wait, yo slow down nigga, fuck is you sayin right now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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