~Chapter 2~

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"Will I ever see you again?" Keke asked me, with tears in her eyes. I closed my eyes tight trying to keep from letting my tears flow as well. But I had to be strong for her.

Its been 3 months since I found my mother dead in the ally. After her funeral, my aunt Perl one of my mothers sisters who attended, agreed to take keke down south with her before it was time for school to start back up.

The thought of my sister being so far away from me hurt a lot. But there wasn't nothing left out here for her let alone me. My aunt had a good job and home out there and has been wanting to take keke every since my mom started using. Truthfully, I wish she would have.

I watched as my aunt's car drove away slowly. I watched Keke's waves from the back seat of the car, moving at the same pace as the ending of a sad movie.

I stood in the middle of the street waving back, mouthing the words "I love you", before the car was too far away.

Once the car was out of sight, I looked to my right, and there stood Chy'Ann. To my left stood Khari. These last few months have changed me and these two have been right by me through it all.

I had no plans of leaving my city. Oh no, there was shit to be done. Things to be figured out. My mother's death was no accident and I refuse to sit back and let people act as if it was one.


"Ahh, that should be it." I wiped my hands off on my jeans after putting down the last piece of furniture in the U-haul truck. I flopped down at the edge of the truck while Khari and Chy sat down on the curb, all worn out from all the lifting and moving we had to do.

Just 3 days ago I had to say goodbye to my little sister. Today, I say goodbye to a house I basically grew up in. But the bad memories living in that house outweighed the good ones which is why I made the decision to move out.

Both Chy and Khari offered me a spot at their places. Chy lived with my aunt Tammy and her newly fiance so I damn sure didn't want to play 4th wheel.

As for Kha, he had his own. It wasn't the lavish of places, but it was the perfect spot for me right now being where my head is at. So that meant I had to put a lot of things in storage cause it surely wasn't all fitting in his little spot. Anything of any real importance to me stayed with me. Which wasn't much, but some things are better than nothing at all.

I took one last look at the house before I hopped down from the trunk. Kha and Chy got up as well right when my aunt Tammy pulls up. She got out the car and came right over to hug me.

"You know you're always welcomed at my home nephew. But if you feel like staying with__"

Aunt Tammy then looked over at Khari with the most hateful face. Damn she don't like that boy. I couldn't help but laugh a little inside especially watching Kharis "here she go again with her shit" face.

Chy must have peeped her mom's death stair at Khari so she called her over to come get in the car. "Remember what I said nephew" Aunt Tammy said as she started to head to the car. Not before giving Khari one last stank look. Me and Chy both looked at each other and let out a light chuckle.

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