~Chapter 7~

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*1 Year Later*


         (pic of what Chace looks like)

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         (pic of what Chace looks like)

"Babe, you see my laptop charger? I can't find it anywhere. I got to finish this assignment."

I peeked my head in our connected bathroom, watching Nellie curl her hair in the mirror. I shook my head at all the makeup products that took up the whole sink. She really didn't need all that shit.

Her natural beauty was flawless, if only she just kept it that way. She told me there was a reason behind why she wore makeup so much and in due time, she would tell.

After making the decision I made a year ago, me and Nellie have grown real close. I guess you can say, we've made it official.

With the money that was given to me from the decision I made, Nellie found me and Chy a spot somewhere out the way, to start fresh.

We now live in a beautiful home out in the cut somewhere. Our home eventually turned to her home. It was a beautiful area. A lot different from The Hood. I adjusted pretty well though. I was currently going to Collage for Studio Arts.

I told Nellie about my goals and she listened. She told me to go for it, to make it happen. So I did. She even got Chy'Ann a job at a Dental Practice part time, while she still attended school. She wanted us to just live a normal life, leave the past behind us.

But the past still haunted me. That small taste of the street life that I let slip from my hands, right into betrayal. I flipped a switch I so desperately wish I could flip back, a year ago.

Nellie tells me not to think too much into it, and to just blame her for being the one to have made me make the decision over the phone that night. But that wasn't true. I made that decision on my own.

I outweighed both options crystal clear. I've already lost my mother and still had my little sister out there I needed to get to. There was nothing else I could lose to break me down more than I already was at the time.

I was doing things I could not have in a millions years thought I would be doing. I killed. I watched innocent killed. I was playing some type of badass that I in fact, knew I wasn't.

See Khari, he was bounded to that lifestyle. I hated myself for what I have caused to happen to him after making that decision.

But I had to choose wisely. I was that bestfriend who always warned him. He was that bestfriend who didn't even tell me he knew about my mother using again

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