Three seconds were taken as a breather before Elora walked in and went to her desk. Her worst fears coming true. Spencer had only just made it up the steps as she met her desk.

"Hey, Matty. Are you doing well?" His right hand lifted for a split second before he lowered it to the paper again.
"Are you happy sitting here?" Once again his right hand was lifted and Elora just crouched down to be at his level. Her arms were crossed on the desk while she kept on the balls of her feet.

Spencer, meanwhile, seemed to be having a harder time of it.
"You okay Kid? Elora walked in and starts sounding all soft and gentle. You come in and suddenly you're having an asthma attack. What happened?" Morgan may have been mocking him but Reid was too tired to retaliate.

"She just sprinted up all of those steps. I couldn't keep up with her at all but she didn't even think twice about it." The two men at his side were laughing until Emily came over and she cast a curious eye over the scene.

"Spencer is having a heart attack and Elora has found her calling in life. I haven't missed anything have I?" Their unsure looks told her enough as she sipped on her drink until Elora approached.

"Hey, guys. I know it is mean but if Garcia is wearing vibrant pink then it would be best if Matty was not here." Her face was fallen and worrylines set in as she spoke to them.

"Hey, hey. Don't go all sulky on us. What is going on?" Grey eyes had turned to the man again before she sighed out.

"He doesn't like vibrant pink, it makes him angry and, uh, Matty never leaves Dan's side and yet I am expected to believe that he flew out here alone. Dan isn't an idiot. I am going to take Matty to my place and phone around. See what people know. First, I have to speak to Hotch and see if I can get the time off. Can someone just keep an eye on him and if he starts freaking out just tell him that I am on my way?" They all nodded before she walked off and spoke to the boss.

Just as Elora had mentioned might happen he began to shake and rock softly. His breathing was going at a million miles and his hand had stopped drawing.

"Hello, Matty. My name is David Rossi. Elora said that she needs to talk to her boss and take some time off so that she can spend it with you. She will be back in a second." His silky response seemed to calm him ever so slightly as he relaxed enough to draw again, the drawing was able to calm him down even more.

"You sound like a therapist to me." Emily spoke before finally Elora was back.

"Thank you. I assume he wasn't too bad." They shook their heads and watched as she crouched and spoke to him again.

"Matty, I need you to listen to me for a second okay? You are safe but I need to know, is Dan okay?" His left hand lifted and her eyes closed as she puffed out a loud breath.
"Do you know where he is?" The left hand was lifted again and she kept a blank face.
"Can you remember where you last saw him?" His right hand was lifted again and she nodded as she thought his responses through.
"Was it here in America?" He had lifted his right hand again and she smiled before standing up.
"Matty, deep breaths, did someone hurt Dan?" His right hand was lifted and the rushed movements told Elora to stop.

"Hey. Is there anything that we can help with? This Dan guy, how does he fit in and who is Matty to you?" Emily couldn't stop looking between the two as she waited for a response.

"Dan and Matty are twins. Identical twins who are never left without the other, until now. Dan has a wife and daughter but he is a stay at home dad so that he can look after his daughter and Matty. They both also happen to be my brothers." The team stopped perfectly still before finally, JJ walked over.

"Secret meeting and I wasn't even invited. What is going on?" Derek didn't let his disappointment hide as he looked on at the situation.

"She has brothers that she never even mentioned. Now one of them has come over here and left the other unsupervised." JJ nodded but caught some distant glances at the man who was drawing.

"I get that you are upset with me but Matty has told me that Dan is in danger and he doesn't know where he is so can we save this for when I know that my brother is still alive?" Morgan nodded before anything else was said.
"Thank you. Now, I am going to try and find my brother." Her body was shaking and heaving as she looked over to Matty. Eyes blinked rapidly. Air couldn't get in quick enough.

"Midnight, you need to calm down and take a deep breath. I know that you have good intentions but when you are like this Matty will get scared. We can help you if you just tell us how to." Her blinks had slowed but she sat on her desk before fumbling through one of the draws.

"Asthmatic?" The inhaler was brought to her lips and used before Rossi could make another comment about it.

"I'll phone Dan and see if he is safe." Her lips were brought between her teeth and blood was sure to drop at any point.

"Midnight, you have a right to be worried but I have known you for long enough to know that there is something worrying you. A man held a gun and you thought that you would die but you never even cared. You worried about us and that was it." Derek was a voice of reason but Elora's mind was unravelling.

"He is my brother. It was the first time that he steps foot in America after I was undercover and suddenly he is missing. I don't know what I am going to tell Matty." Their small whispers kept him from hearing them but his eyes moved to the ceiling above them and slowly he began to smack the desk.

"Matty. It's okay. I am here." His drawing was seen and Batman had covered the paper.

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