Hell Part Twenty

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Sooooooo we're gonna pretend Louis's birthday and Christmas hasn't happen. I'm sorry for the shitty updates. Just I've been busy and now I have the flu. So yeah sucks



B a r b a r a

I'm fucking done with boys. They're all freakin jerks and assholes.

You think so highly of someone and they go and slap you in the face for it. All guys are jerks and I'm just gonna start facing the facts that I'll never find anyone who's decent.

I would have bet a thousand dollars that Liam was truly a great guy. Once again I'm screwed over in the guy department.

I'm an attractive girl with a great personality. Sure I can be a bitch sometimes but only to people who deserve it. I wasn't even rude to Liam or anything. I was probably nicer to him than I've been to anyone in awhile. That's the last time I do that.

I, Barbara Renee Leal swear off any and every guy who try's hitting on me. It's just going to be about me.

No guy is worth crying over. I've done all my crying back in high school. I'm grown and shouldn't be crying over guys.

I was in the middle of trying to stop my crying when I heard my door knob jiggle. I knew it was only one person and I quickly used the sleeves of my sweater the wipe my tears and my leaking nostrils.

"Barbara..." he softly asks through a crack of the door.

"What?" I snapped. Hopping he couldn't tell I was just crying.

"I.....uhh. I was just...i think.." he stumbled upon his words.

"Just freakin spit it out, louis." I rolled my eyes.

"I thought I heard....umm crying....and I know we aren't close so this may be weird but I didn't want to just ignore it. Are you okay? Do I need to kick Liam's ass, because I'd be willing to do that." He opens the door a little more.

I stared down at my blanket, not wanting to look at him. I hate crying and I hate feeling like this. It's really nice of him to be concerned I'm not just use to this. My parents would hear me cry all the time back in high school, and never do or say anything.

"I'm done with guys." I sighed and shook my head.

"What happen tonight...." He cautiously takes a step inside my room.

"Its stupid." I threw my head back on my bed frame.

"Tell me." He comes closer and sits at the edge of my bed by my feet.

"Well we were having a great night at the restaurant. Just laughing and enjoying the night. Then he sees some girl he use to know and said he was just gonna say a quick hi and come right back." I took a deep breath and looked at his face to see if he was really paying attention. He was staring right at me waiting for me to continue.

"Well after about 20 minutes he still hasn't come back, he was still over there talking. He even fucking glances over at me and quickly looked away, and after he whispered something to her they both left the fucking restaurant. He didn't even say anything to me, he just left." I looked down my lap.

"And I guess after that that's when you went and got drunk?." He asks

"Yup." I know it's kind of pathetic to do that but I was just caught in the moment.

"I can't believe he had the fucking nerve to, first, leave to go talk to another girl, and then get up and leave after looking at you. I swear I'm going to kick his fucking ass." He seethed.

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