Hell Part Thirteen

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Hiyaaa Pals!

This story is doing so freakin amazing I love y'all to the moon and back!

It means a lot seeing yalls comments! butttt I can only choose one for the dedication! So my favorite comment and dedication goes to @ivanastyles__ loved what she said about my book!

Hope y'all enjoy!



L o u i s

I sat there and watched those two idiots 'flirt' with Barb and I thought I was gonna explode. I hated seeing them so close to her. What made me feel a little better was the uncomfortable expression and posture she held. I'm glad she's not enjoying their attention. I know this was gonna happen when I invited them over. In all honesty they are just doing this to get under my skin. I'm not sure if they think I like her or what but they know some how it would bother me.

I was trying so hard to tune out what they were all saying to her but I couldn't exactly accomplish that. I think I heard Zayn ask me something but seeing him put his arm around her nearly tipped me over the edge. I turned my gaze away from them once I couldn't take it anymore.

Niall turns the TV and for a second I started calming down. Or so I thought I was until 4 words came out of Zayns mouth.

"So babe any boyfriend?" He smirks over at her while shamelessly eyeing her exposed body parts.

Does she ever wear proper clothes.

My heart sped up and I couldn't keep it in. "Are you fucking kidding me!?" I yell and rise to my feet.

All three eyes are widen and on my heaving body.

"Whoa mate are you alright." Niall speaks up.

I try steadying my heart race and slowly take a seat back down on my couch. I clear my throat and lean back in to the couch. "Yeah I...uhh thought they were gonna make a goal." I turned my attention back to the tv, but not before giving Barbara one last look. She was staring down at her lap with a small smile on.

"But its a commercial." Niall's knowing smirk was on. I've known these guys for about 6 months and i'm already regretting meeting them. They know i'm pissed at something else.

"It was a quick highlight. I'm gonna go get a beer." I stand and stomp off to the kitchen. I roll my eyes once I notice Zayn get up and following me.

"You alright bro?" He leans against the counter that's next to the fridge.

"Yes." I mumbled.

"You sure? You seem bothered." He smiles down at the ground.

"Yup." I slam the door shut and grab the bottle opener.

"Alright cool." He nods. "So Barbara's pretty hot. I think i'm gonna ask her out on a date." He crosses his arms and watches me, waiting for me to explode again.

"Go for it." I shrugged and went to walk away, but his hands grabbed my arm.

"You don't care right?" Lowers his head a little to make eye contact with me.

I yank my arm away from him and put it in my pocket. "Why would I. We're just roommates nothing else." I left before he could say anything or stop me.

I get back into the living room to find Niall talking Barb's ear off. She was picking at her nails while pretending to listen.

I don't understand myself. I have no reason to be getting jealous or annoyed with them hitting on her. If she wanted to be with them I wouldn't care, and I feel safe saying that because she shows no interest in going out with either of them.

Zayn had already come back and out of the corner of my eye I could see and feel her eyes on me. Just watching me. I'd give anything to know what she was thinking this very moment. I carefully move my eyes over to look back at her to she her silently pleading for help. I know she wanted to just hang out in her room all day and not be around them. I had to do something to help her get away.

"He Barbara I forgot to tell you I found a pair of your ear rings in the laundry room." I lamely come up with a lie. A horrible lie. Hopefully she will play along with it.

Her eyes widen and a smile came on her face. The two idiots next to her looked confused but didnt show too much concern. The game was playing and honestly dont think they were paying that much attention.

"Really sweet come show me." She stands and pulls her shorts down the minute their eyes go to her backside. My fist clench and I quickly step around the coffee table and head over to the laundry room. Once we were out of site she lets out a sigh and unexpectedly hugs me. "Thank you so much. You're friends are more annoying than you." She pulls away and speaks with a lowered voice.

I laugh at her comments and hugged her back. I think its our first hug. I think she realized it to because she quickly pulls away and looks down at her bare feet. She coughs and looks around. "Well thanks again I need a nap." She chuckles.

"Right yeah. I'll see you later." I nod. "Sorry about my friends again. I'm sure they were just trying to get under my skin.

"Why would they do that?" She creases her eyes brows and tilts her head to the side.

"I don't know." I quickly reply.

"Mmmm weird." She smirks and turns to go into her room. I stood there wondering whats going on in the head of hers again.

B a r b a r a

It was pretty cool seeing him act like that. It was also funny. His outburst was unexpected but he covered it up pretty well. Well for the guys to believe not me. I laid on my bed and just stared at my ceiling fan making myself dizzy watching it spin.

I wonder if they are talking about me out there. Probably not. He said they were just doing it to bother him. If they weren't Louis's friends I would be flirting back with them. They are very attractive, but that would be weird. I'll definitely keep them in mind if he ever pisses me off or if I just wanna mess with him.

I wake up to a knock on my door. I look around and see my room slightly darker than before. I guess I fell asleep for a while because it was bright out before I fell asleep. Another small knock sounds and I sit up and wipe the drool off my face. "Come in." I saw in a groggy voice.

Louis's head peaks in before his body does. "There's some Chinese food."

I rub my tired eyes and slide over so my feet hang off my bed. "Cool." I yawned and stepped on to my feet. I stumble a little and follow Louis out to the kitchen. I crossed my fingers hoping that his friends were already gone. I relax once I head see the couches empty. But tense back up when I hear their voices in the kitchen.

"I just figured you'd be hungry." He whispers before we enter the kitchen. "You can leave once you get your food."

I nod and step first into the kitchen. The turn there eyes to me and grin. "There she is!?" They exclaim.

This is gonna be a long night.


Hope y'all enjoys Sorry if it was lame and boring! I finished right before Dancing With The Stars started! Ahhhh I love Meryl & Maks. They need to win!

Anyways my favorite comment gets dedication!

Have yall seen Liams tweets!!? Who do yall think he's talking about?!

Love Ashley! xx

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