Hell part Twenty Five

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Hi!!!:) I hope this makes up!!!

Enjoy babies!!!:) xx


B a r b a r a

Hour one.

I had to endure the loud talking of everyone around. It seemed like everyone knew everyone in this flight, because they were just chatting it up. Plus my ears popped because I forgot gum so my head was hurting. These seats are really spacious but Louis keeps finding a way to use my arm rest.

Louis started talking to some guy across from him about some dumb soccer game. I had already had 2 glasses of wine and felt nothing. I was hoping it'd make me sleepy but it hasn't. The two lady's in front of me talking so loud and this Clay guy. I wanted to go punch him in the face because apparently he broke up with her and now she's a loud, whiny mess. I tried tuning everyone out like I could back in school but I failed. I watched the setting sun and finally the feeling i was waiting for came on me.

Hour two and three (unfortunately)

I was dreaming I was bouncing on the clouds until a loud bird came flying pass me and made me fall off the cloud. I sat up and looked at the phone in my lap. I only slept for like 30 fucking minutes. I'm awoken by his dumb laugh. I slap him and turn in the chair the best I could to not face him.

"Sorry." I hear him reply softly.

I shut my eyes and just like that, my sleep was gone. I exhale loudly and sit right in my seat. "Thanks jackass." I mumble loud enough for him to see.

"I'm sorry." He laughed.

"I'm sorry." I mocked him. "Now how am I gonna sleep." I whined.

"Wanna play a game?" He turns to face me.

"Ma'am!" I hurry to stop the flight attendant. "Can I get some vodka." I practically beg.

"Just straight vodka?" She questioned.

"Please." I practically begged.

"Yes ma'am." She quickly hurries off to get my drink.

I relax into the seat and look over at Louis who was staring at me. "Can I help you?" I sigh, hoping my drink will get here soon.

"Wanna play a game?" He smiles.

I was about to slap that smile off his face but the attendant brought my drink. It was in a little bottle and I was about to drink it when Louis stopped me.

"I really don't think that'll help you sleep. It's just gonna make you awake and then maybe in a few hours pass you out." He looks at me with concerned eyes. "It's liquor babe."

"Well I just need to pass out." I whined. And threw my head forward into my hands

"Just let your body tell you when it's time to sleep." He rubs my back softly.

His touch did something to me that I can't explain. I just immediately relaxed and felt a lot better. It was like I let out a long sigh and everything was better. I didn't feel cranky, of course I was still worn out from this trip but I felt calmer.

He retracts his touch and it was gone.

"How'd you enjoy being with my family?" He asks

I sigh and sit back in my seat. I guess talking was what's going to happen. "They're really sweet people. A whole lot better than you." I chuckle.

"They are pretty great." He smiles to himself. I envy his love for his family. I wish I had a better family, but I got what I got and it made me who i am today and I'm okay with that. Sure I'll miss the family meals, the games, the holidays, but I think I've gotten use to being alone at those. It was nice to spend Christmas and thanksgiving with Louis's family but I doubt I'll do that every year. Why would they want some random ruining their family time.

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