Hell Part Four

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Eleanor and Barbara were laughing at something one of them said. I just sat on the couch while they just hit it off. It really bugged me, The fact that my girlfriend was getting alone with her was not what I wanted. They are so opposite that I never thought they'd get along. Eleanor is all bubbly and super girly, while Barbara is a bitch.

Okay so maybe I don't completely know her but she's a bitch to me. I guess it's because i'm rude to her. Seeing her laughing and smiling is something i've never seen before. Not even around high school. She was always wearing a blank expression or an annoyed one.

Their laughter and talking died down. Eleanor had her attention on her phone, and Barbara was watching her movie again. "So what are we doing tonight Lou?" She asks as she puts her phone down .

"Oh i'm not sure" I mumbled. "Haven't really thought much about it"

"Oh okay because Claire and Jane want to go out tonight" She plays with her hair "Since were not doing anything I'm just gonna go out with them"

Its not that I cared she was ditching me, it was the fact that she made plans with out even knowing if I had planned anything. I know for a fact she planned this ahead of time, she plays with her hair when she's nervous.

"Alright" I shrugged turning away from her to look at the tv. I guess I should be relieved because I didn't feel like going out to some club, that she usually makes us go to. It did slightly upset me. She's hardly ever with me, but I guess she'd rather be with her friends.

"Yay! Alright I need to go get ready" She cheered before leaving to my room.

I left out a soft sigh, sinking further into the couch. I heard a stifled laugh come from across the room. I turned my attention to the source. Barbara had her finger on her mouth obviously trying to hold back a laugh.

"What the fuck is so funny" I rolled my eyes at her. I knew what she was laughing at. I didnt even have to ask.

"Oh nothing just the fact that your girlfriend ditched you" She laughed. "Im sorry but its funny" She crossed her legs.

"Oh shut up. I didn't even wanna go out anyways." I muttered and reached for the remote that sat on the coffee table.

"What do you think you are doing?" She jumped up and started reaching for the remote in my hands. "Give it back!"

"Nope" I smirked and put it under my butt.

She straightened up, crossing her arms across her chest. "I'm not afraid to reach for that" She rose her eyebrows staring down at me.

"Try and get it then." I smirked wider "I dare you"

Instantly she dove towards the couch where my butt was sitting. She slide her hands underneath me, searching for the remote. I quickly grabbed it before she could and jumped up from the couch. "You fucking freak!" I tried not to laugh. I rose the remote over my head so she'd have to reach for it. Her being shorter than me caused difficulty for her. I couldnt help but laugh at her.

Her eyes filled with anger before punching me in the stomach. I hunched over grabbing my stomach in pain. She freaking punched me! The remote slide out of my hands before I could react.

I looked up at her as she skipped off back to her previous spot. A smug look was on her face.

"You bitch. Why'd you punch me?!" I stood over her, blocking her view of the TV. She rolled her eyes and was about to respond but her phone cut her off.

"Hello....Hey whats up.....Oh nothing much....Oh yeah sure sounds great" She smiled at who ever was on the phone with her. I took my seat back in my spot as she talked on the phone. "Alright sounds good. I'll see you in a bit...Bye!" She hung up and threw the remote at me. It landed on my stomach making me jump.

Roommate From Hell >> || l.tजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें