"Same. Thanks again Luke." Brittany smiles.

"Anytime. I'm glad you guys enjoyed it, I did too." He smiles back.

You smile and grab Luke's hand. He smiles and kisses your hand. You all walk to the park and have plenty of time to spare before the play starts. The play is your favorite Disney movie. The actors were from performing schools around here. Sometimes they had huge talent agents that would come here that would ask some kids to audition for a real broadway play if they thought that they had what it takes. You happened to think they were all really talented.

You guys sit on the grass and you look around. It was getting kind of cold out for a summer night and stupidly, you didn't bring a sweatshirt in case.

Luke puts his arm on your back. "Are you okay baby?"

You nod. "Yes I'm fine, just a little cold."

He takes his sweatshirt off and gives it to you.

"No, it's okay. I don't want you to be cold." You tell him.

"It's fine, I don't mind. I'm hot anyway." He says.

"Are you sure?" You ask.

He nods and gives it to you.

"Okay, thank you." You say and put it on.

"Anything for you." He smiles before kissing your head.

You smile and snuggle into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. You inhaled his scent and smiled as the play started.

You watch it while wrapped up in his arms the whole time. He never once removed his arms from around you and you loved it.

The play ends after a while and since you guys are closer to Sabrina's building, Brittany and Sabrina decide to call it a night and head there. You guys say bye to them and then walk back towards your apartment.

"Our ice cream place doesn't close until 1 am, do you want to go get some ice cream?" You ask him.

He smiles. "I would love too."

You smile and walk towards the ice cream place when you get close to your apartment. Luke opens the door for you when you guys get there.

"Thank you." You smile.

"You're welcome." He smiles and follows you inside.

You walk up to cashier. You guys had gotten to know everyone that works here in the past year that you were dating. You came here often and loved all of the staff.

"Hey Max." You say to the guy.

"Hey Kaitlyn, hey Luke. The usual?" He asks.

"Yes please." You say at the same time.

"Did you guys already fight out who gets to pay this time?" Max asks.

"I'm paying." Luke says.

"No I am." You say.

Max chuckles. "I'll take that as a no."

"You paid for everything tonight Luke, let me buy you damn ice cream." You say.

"Fine." He sighs in defeat.

You smile and pay for the ice cream. Max puts the ice cream in bowls for you guys and then hands it to you.

"Thank you." You both tell him.

"No problem." He smiles.

You both walk over to a table and sit down and start to eat your ice cream.

"I really did have a lot of fun tonight." You tell him.

"Me too." He smiles.

You smile back and continue to eat your ice cream.

You guys finish after a while and say bye to Max before walking to your apartment.

"Are you staying the night?" You ask him.

"If you don't mind, it's late." He says.

"Not a problem." You smile.

You both walk up to your apartment and walk inside.

"Oh my god!" You yell as you spot Sadie and Ashton having sex on the couch.

They both look up at you two startled. They pull away from each other and cover up and run to Sadie's room.

You look at Luke. "Did that really just happen?"

He nods and laughs. You laugh too.

"I'm going to have nightmares about that tonight." You say.

"Oh trust me, me too." He laughs.

You still couldn't believe what you just saw.. you were scarred for life.

Lonely Hearts - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now