A beautiful day for a Red Wedding

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The letter came, demanding that I return home to be married off, and my heart sank. I did not want to go, I liked it here, I was surrounded by friends, and a new family. I kept it to myself at first, but the anger bubbled up inside of me. I did my best to maintain my composure, but I couldn't. I lost my temper so badly that I ripped my moulting antlers out of my head. Blood trickling down through my hair and onto my face, I pinned the note for help on the church board with one of my antlers, along with the engagement ring. I was not going to be called back like a pet. I would fight to remain here, in my home, with my family, with the people I loved. Many signed up to protect me on the diplomatic journey, and it made me feel safe, that so many would risk themselves to keep me safe. Even Brackir.

I spent the week leading up to this training, practicing my melee and honing my spellcasting abilities. The week went by quickly, with little sleep or happiness to be found on my part as I was too tense and sick to my stomach.

The day came and the party assembled at the church. Heindock, a fellow druid; Rax, who I had fought beside and spoken to many times; Lord Quigley De Heldorn, a fellow noble and dear friend who I trusted with my life; and Brackir, a noble night, a dear friend, a trusted companion, and one of the main reasons I wanted to stay. We walked to the town, and a fortress had been built up outside of town limits, and we knew that was where we had to go.

The fortress was glorious, it reminded me of the family holiday home and made me feel a small twinge of home sickness as I walked through the gardens and past the fountain. Upon the steps stood a familiar figure, a tall, thin Tiefling with horns mended with solid gold fillings. Mr. Gilt. He offered the others a fortune to leave without me, and I saw the looks in their eyes, the promise of such money and what it could do for them, but Rax came forwards and declined. I felt my faith return, knowing that I would not be left to fight Gilt and the hired muscle on my own.

Mr.Gilt grew tired of my defiance and cast a spell, freezing time for all bar the two of us. We walked through the garden and he tried to persuade me to return home, and to my new fiancé. I refused and told him I wanted to stay, explaining that I did not care about my duty anymore. He suggested we play a game for my freedom, whoever won would decide my fate. I was about to agree, but stumbled on my words, which he caught. He wouldn't take me changing my words, so the only way was for us to fight.

It was hard. Lityerses Gilt counterspelled all my magic, meaning I could not heal or effectively fight. Quigley was beaten to an inch of his life, losing so much of his blood. Brackir was beaten senseless and very badly hurt, and Rax died. I remember trying to cast and finding myself in There was so much blood, Lityerses had Brackir in his arms with a dagger to his throat, telling me to give up or they would all die. I remember looking around the battlefield, seeing the blood and the defeat on my friends faces. I remember looking at Brackir and seeing the fire in his eyes, coupled with the fear, and I knew I had to give up. I tossed down my staff and all I remember after that is waking up in a prison cart.

The journey lasted days and I was left in the prison, with a bucket for my business and food pushed through a slot. It was harsh and depressing. I remember looking out at the icebergs and seeing my dishevelled hair and distorted face. I remember seeing a figure flying across the ice and landing, wearing a devilish grin. He claimed to be a messenger for Levistus, and he was here to offer me a deal for my freedom. My heart stopped, my freedom, I could return home, to Morthos and Shaka, and Brackir. After reading the contact I signed it. For a moment, nothing happened, but then I was looking at myself, a perfect replica. She reached over and took my signet ring from my hand and smiled my own pointed grin at me. I blinked and I was outside of the cart, with the caravan pulling away from me. Looking at my hands I saw they were blue, and I felt cold, but I knew I couldn't waste time, so I ran. I ran and I ran hard. For days I galloped across the icy tundra as a wolf and then the forests as a panther.

It took me about 2 weeks, but I arrived back at the church. I staggered through the door and decided to take a bath, but before I could I was crushed by an immovable force and swept into the common room, it was Grilka. She was happy to have me back and told me she wanted to track me, but the team said it was futile. I hugged her back and flopped onto my favourite chair. Grilka found the team who came with me and brought them to me. Rax was revived, everyone as healed, and it was good to see them all, even if they still all looked like shit. I was greeted with many hugs and a smile. After this I was finally free to take a bath before returning to prank Shaka and Morthos. The look on their faces when they realised it was me, a mixture of happiness, relief, joy and anger. As well as confusion. It was a long evening, filled with emotion and a million question as to why I was now blue. I showed them my new cold powers and we all shared a few cold beers before I ate a ridiculous amount of food and then passed out for the night.

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