The Siege

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Over the summer my skills improved massively, and I was able to protect the town when it came under siege from a necromancer living amongst us. Fighting alongside the guild we fended off a small army of undead raptors, an undead t-rex, an undead stegosaurus and a monstrosity of a minotaur made from two separate beings. Dr. Breaks hut was lost during the battle thanks to wild magic, but thankfully he himself was not harmed, as I have no idea what would come of the town or guild without his fantastical potions and delights.

We would have all died if not for the arrival of Grilka, Ras' mother. She helped us to defeat the T-rex and zombies it was vomiting out. She arrived out of the shadows at the last moment, without her help I doubt we would have survived. ...never have I felt such respect for a woman. I was able to save Shaka during the battle, multiple times. And in doing so, I think I earned his respect, as he no longer made quips about my bloodline and listened when I spoke. It was sad to see Gemuth and Sun fall, but I was able to save Minos using the staff of the woodlands.

The town was destroyed, and refugees and adventurers were forced to bed together in the red church. We al did what we could to make it a comfortable experience and may of our physically strong members helped to rebuild the town. Grilka moved into the church with her husband, Zenzen, and took over the caretaking duties. I soon grew to like her. We were not close, like I was with Ras, but to have her around the church brought the feeling of his spirit back to me, and I found myself happier and more pleasant to be around, despite the situation.

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