Episode one - Part Seven

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I froze for a second closing my eyes giving in to the kiss. My hands instantly go up and run my fingers through his blond hair. Pulling him closer to me. It felt like I was on cloud nine. JJ's hand reached up and cupped my face, the other still holding him up supporting his weight so he doesn't crush me. Suddenly reality kicked in and my eyes flung open. I pushed him off me, sitting up looking over at him. "JJ we cant'' I said

"wow, you have no idea how long I have wanted to do that" JJ said

"JJ" I whispered, pushing him off me and sitting up.

We turned to see John B sitting in his van now parked under the carport next to my house. He was still honking the horn, his way of telling us to hurry up and get in the van. JJ stood up and bent down to help me stand up and walk towards the van, jumping in the back closing the door to me. I opened the side door and jumped up onto the seat next to John B. After closing the door I could feel John B looking at me. I ignored him and turned to face JJ in the back only to see him with his back towards us and just looking at the back door of the van.

John B started the van and pulled out of the driveway and headed to his place just down the road. Once there JJ gets out if the van before John B even has a chance to turn it off.

"What happened between you two last night?" John B asked me, turning the key.

I took a deep breath in turning to face John b.

"We had a fight about the gun and JJ kissed me"

"He kissed you?" John B asked, looking surprised.

"Yes," I looked past John B towards the dock.

"And? " John B moved to open his door getting out and walking around the front.

I opened my door jumping out leaning against the hood of the van.

"And I left, you know the rule no pogue on pogue making." I started heading up to the porch.

"Leah, come on you have loved him since forever."John b was still standing in front of the van.

"I won't be another name on his list" I walked inside and grabbed a can from the fridge before heading back outside down to the dock.


It's been a few hours JJ and John B haven't come out of the house yet. Kie and Pope turned up about 30 minutes ago. Kie is sitting playing on some bongos and Pope is talking about college again. altho I'm not really listening. JJ walks out with a bottle of water in his hand, opening it and passing it to me.

"Thanks," I say, taking the bottle, without looking at him.

He walks over and takes a seat on a table and starts throwing rocks out to the water.

"Look, I'm callin' it off. All right?" John B

"Peterkin said, if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS."

" And you believed her?" JJ said in disbelief.

"Yes, I believe her, JJ." John B said back to JJ in response.

An actual cop, John B. You believed a cop." throwing another small rock out towards the water in frustration.

All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple of days, and she'll help me out.

"It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting a gun." John B said throwing the shovel he was holding to the ground, now getting defensive.

"You know what I should have done? Just let Topper drown your ass." JJ said, now starting to get slightly annoyed.

"Yeah, cause Topper was gonna drown me?" John B said, " Sure looked like it." JJ said.

"Funny." John B said over the top of him.

"Have you looked in a mirror recently?" JJ asked, walking over towards the group.

" Tell me some more. Come on." John B said staking a step forward

"They always win, don't they, man? " JJ said, now standing with the group. "Kooks versus Pogues. They always, always win!" resting his elbow against the wooden pole.

"Goddamn!" JJ yells punching the bois hanging from the ceiling. "Look, it's okay!" Kie says to JJ. "No it's not okay" JJ replies, still frustrated.

"It is not! They don't want us to go down into the marsh. That means there's something valuable down there, and you know it." JJ says turning around and pointing to John B. He then turns to look at Pope who is sitting on a chair in front of JJ "That means there's something valuable down there, and you know it. You're the golden boy. You got way too much to risk. And you" he turns to face Kie. "you're already rich as fuck anyway. you're already rich as fuck anyway" He then turns towards back to John B before looking at me. " But for us three, man, we got nothin' to lose!" "We really don't, all right?" Jj was now getting desperate.

"JJ," I say just above a whisper.

" And I know it didn't use to be that way for you," JJ said now looking towards John B.

"I don't want to talk about this. I don't want to talk about it." John B said as he walked towards JJ.

" So that's it?" Jj asked when John B was right in front of him. John B push JJ out of his way "Just get out of my way, bro"

"John B, listen to me. I have a plan." JJ said turning to face John B who back was turned to all of us.

JJ walked over to John B. "You got the key to Cameron's big boat, right?"

"-There's scuba gear. We borrow that, and then we go down to the wreck this afternoon, and that is what's gonna save you, man. You don't see rich kids going into foster care, do you? " and that was that JJ had worked his magic and the plan was set in motion.

John B got in the boat and headed off to get the scuba gear while the rest of us waited at his place. Kie and I walked inside leaving Pope and JJ out by the dock.

"Where did you go last night?" Kie asked once we were inside John B's house.

I started picking up empty beer bottles that had been left on the table.

"I just had to get out of here after everything." I put the bottles I had collected in the bin walking back to get the rest, Kie now helping.

"JJ was weird last night as well after you left he kept whispering with Pope." Kie stopped and looked at me.

"Oh really weird huh?" I asked hoping she would drop it.

"Did something happen between you and JJ last night Leah?" I stopped what I was doing and sat on the couch looking at Kie as she came to sit next to me. "We were fighting about the gun and then Jj kissed me, so I ran away and then when he came by this morning, and we kissed again and now I don't know what to do. He's been weird, kinda distant." Kie looked at me with her mouth open.

"He kissed you, twice?"

" Yeah but the first one doesn't count. It was a heat of the moment we were arguing and he was drunk." I say standing up, continuing to clean. "They say a drunk person's words are a sober person's thoughts," Kie said before heading out the door.


One more chapter to go before we finish episode one.  University is getting a little hectic at the moment getting down to the last few weeks for the semester so uploads are going to be slow. 

However once one break I will be uploading more frequently. 

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