Episode One - Part Five

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We had made it to John B's place. I can't believe JJ said we would get the keg. It makes so much more sense that the boy with the freken car would get it or at least help us. This thing was so heavy and JJ complained the whole time. We loaded everything into the boat and headed to the boneyard ready to party the night away.

The party was now in full swing, everyone was here, the pogues, the kook, and of course the tourists. JJ was off talking to a bunch of girls which I was trying to block out. The sound of them all laughing and him flirting his little heart out. Kie was talking about saving turtles and the damage the plastic in our oceans is doing, once again. John B and Pope were out mingling and as for me well I was standing on my own just watching.

I made my way over to the keg and filled my half-empty cup back up and walked over to a log taking a seat sipping on my beer. I was normally the life of these parties. Dancing singing, chatting with everyone but tonight was different, I know JJ said I had to ack normal but after the day we had I just can't.

I was now six no seven oh sit maybe eight cups deep, not remembering is a bad sign. I was finally starting to loosen up when I turned to see JJ dancing and whispering in a girl's ear. She was hot even I can see that. She was tan, long black silky hair that reached down to her mid-back, she was wearing this white summer dress that hugged her in all the right places. I looked down at what I was wearing, denim shorts that were a little big on me so I had my black belt to help keep them up and then a t-shirt I stole from my dad that baggie and tucked into my short. I couldn't see it but im sure my hair was a mess as I hadn't washed it or brushed it from our swim earlier today. I can see why JJ is over there with her and not here with me. I looked down at my cup now extremely fascinated at the beer it's holding.

"what you doing standing over here all by yourself?" some guy asked walking over to me a beer in his right hand. He must be one of the tourists as I have never seen him around before.

"oh, I'm just watching, making sure my friends don't do anything stupid" I said looking up at him.

"ah the mother of the friend group I see." He said taking a set on the log behind me. I ignored his comment and looked over at JJ still talking to the same girls as before.

"oh, I get it." The guy said following my gaze.

"get what?" I turn to face him.

"your ex over there flirting with those girls" my mouth dropped.

"he's not my ex," I said defensively

"ooh even better you like him but he doesn't know it" he took another sip of his beer.

"I... I don't like him, he's my best friend. we have known each other since we were in diapers." I say before chugging a half my beer.

"oooh that's the worst, trying to climb out of the friend zone, but it can be done so don't give up" he said holding his cup out as if he was cheering to my climb out of the friendzone.

"there's nothing to give up because im not trying to get out of the friend" im cut off by someone yelling.

I look up to see JJ pushing topper and john B doing his best to pull JJ away. I rush over to them leaving the random guy on the log. As I get closer I hear topper say "dirty pogues" oh why did he have to go and do that the freken idiot. John b launches at his punching him. "john b were meant to be incognito, remember" Pope whisper yells at John B. however Topper and John B were in a full-on fight moving closer to the water everyone was crowed around and yelling. I saw JJ in the crowd and made my way over to him. I looked over to see Topper holding John B under the water and Kie screaming at him. "JJ do something!" I yell at JJ he looks at me before running to his bag and then over to Topper. Then I see it JJ is holding the gun to toppers head. My heart sinks all of a sudden I can't hear anything. JJ's mouth is moving but I can't hear what he's saying.

I saw JJ raise the gun, pointing it to the sky.

'Bang, Bang'

suddenly I could hear again people screaming as they ran away off the beach. I stood there unable to move, looking at JJ my eyes not leaving him. "are you crazy?" Pope yelled at him. "im saving his life, that's what you wanted right, someone to stop it" JJ said looking between Pope, Kie, and I.

Kie was in the water next to John B. I walked over and bent down beside her. I looked at john B seeing he was now passed out laying in the water.

Everything was a blur, we somehow had all gotten back to John B's place. Kie was inside looking after John B who was resting in his bed and Pope was helping and looking after both John B and Kie. I was sitting out on the porch not wanting to be in the way. Anger boiling inside of me. How could he be so reckless?

I heard the door behind me slam and felt JJ sit down next to me. I know he's looking at me waiting for me to say something. But I can't, I just stay sitting there hoping he will leave. Two minutes go by neither of us saying anything.

"im sorry" JJ said breaking the silence.

"Sorry! you're sorry? JJ are your serious?" I was now boiled over with anger and rage. I could feel my body starting to heat up. I stood up storming away from the house knowing exactly where this was going to go. John B needed to rest he didn't need to listen to me and JJ fight.

"you told me to do something, I saved him! Topper would have killed him if I didn't' JJ said following me down towards the dock. "you can't be mad at me for doing what you asked me to do"

I stopped in my tracks turning to face him. " I told you to help him!" I screamed "not pull a freken gun to Toppers head!"

"you and Kie told me to help him, save him so I did!" JJ said looking directly at me.

"so what you pulled a gun on him? JJ really was there nothing else you could think of"


"no cause you didn't think did you" I cut him off walking over so I was standing directly in front of him.

"you could have hurt someone, you could hurt yourself, you could have, no you still could go to jail," I said pushing him back with both my hands. After each statement "I could have lost you! things could have gone so differently" "what if Topper goes to the cops JJ, or someone else does? Ha, what then?"

"you fired the gun JJ, twice" I yell

"Leah" JJ starts

"I don't know what I would do if I lost you" I say tears starting to form in my eyes. "why didn't you just leave the gun in the safe, like I asked?" I looked him feeling myself giving in to him wanting to forget this and let him off the hook. It's not fair that he holds this power over me.

"what if you killed somebody?" I asked him rage fulling my body once again. "ha what then JJ..." I was interrupted by JJ smashing his lips on mine.

I froze trying to piece together what was happening. I pushed JJ away looking at him in horror. "I can't believe you!" I yelled stepping back holding my hand up to my lips touching them. "Leah I L..."

"no, not like this, this is not how this goes, you don't get to use my feelings towards you, to get off the hook" I say as I push past him. Looking at the ground as I make my way back to John B's house.

"Leah im sorry let me...." JJ started but soon stopped once he realized I wasn't going to listen.

I walked up the stairs and into the house. Pope was setting up the pull-out couch. "hey, Leah, can you give me" Pope looked up at me "Leah are you okay?" he asked walking over to me. "oh yeah I umm im just" Pope graved a tissue from his pocket and wiped away tears streaming down my face. I hadn't even known I was crying. I took a deep breath. "Im just going to head home ill be back tomorrow let Kie know" I grabbed my bag and headed out the front door so I didn't run into JJ. "hey is Leah here?" I heard JJ ask Pope before closing the door and running towards my house.

Pogue's way of life ~JJ FanFicNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ