Episode Three Chapter Seven

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I wake up and roll overreaching my arm out trying to find JJ. After a few seconds of searching, I open my eyes looking around the room. JJ isn't in the bed anymore. I get out of bed grabbing my hoodie and pulling it on before opening my door and walking down towards the kitchen. I hear soft laughter coming from the kitchen as I get closer. I walk in seeing JJ and mom seeing at the table eating what looks to be pancakes.

JJ sees me pulling out the chair next to me and waving at me to come sit. Mom pushes a plate filled with pancakes to me and smiles. "Sorry if we woke you dear," my mom said, smiling at me.

"Oh no I didn't even hear you guys, where are the pancakes from?" I ask before taking my first bite.

"For work, I made them for the kids, so I brought the extras home for you and JJ," she said smiling while drinking what looked to be cold tea.

"How did you know JJ would be here?" I asked her between bites.

"She has magic powers," JJ said, stealing some of my pancakes.

"Hey!" I yelled at him slapping his hand away.

After we finished eating and said goodbye to my mom before she left for work again we got changed and rushed over to John B's as we were now running late for testing out the drone.

As we arrived Pope was just setting up the drone and Kie and John B were getting ready to jump in the water. Pope hands me the drone. I lean down over the dock and place the drone into the water. John B and Kie run and jump into the water swimming around the drone. I get up and walk over to where JJ and Pope are looking at the computer device the drone came with.

"What's this right here?" JJ says pointing at something on the drone's remote.

"Don't touch that," Pope says pushing his hand away. "I'm trying to work out this thing," he says looking back at the controls.

"God bless geeks, Pope. Truly, man. What would we do without you to control the drones? " JJ says standing up and walking over to where I was standing looking over the rail at John B and Kie swimming about.

"It's not a drone. It's an ROV." Pope corrects JJ.

"Shut up. Shut up. It's too early for that right now. " JJ interrupts Pope and walks over leaning on the railing looking at Kie and John B who have just resurfaced. I patt Pope on the shoulder and give him a reassuring smile, letting him know I appreciate his nerdiness.

"Hey, once we get footage of the wreck, We'll bring it to a lawyer in town and file a formal claim. " John B says as he bobs around in the water.

"It's bullshit. Why do we have to do that?" JJ says watching me walk over and lean on the railing next to him.

"Well, there is maritime salvage law. You can't just go to the ocean floor and scoop a bunch of stuff up." Pope says walking over to join us.

"I know. I know. It's just lawyers aren't cheap, bro." JJ says, starting to sound defeated.

"As soon as they see the footage, they'll work for a comp." John B interjects from his position in the water.

Kie turns in the water looking at John B smiling. "How do you know all of that?"

"'Cause my dad said it, like, a million times." he replies as if it's no big deal.

"Yeah, that's fair. " Kie says in return.

"This tether is, like, really long. In the wrong weather, it could get pushed around." Pope states looking at the 'drones' tether.

"Then we'll go at dead calm." John B says swimming around.

"At slack tide? " Kie says as she climbs up the docks ladder.

"So now, we just gotta wait around for the right weather. And today is not that day. " Pope says as we look up at the clouds thunder rumbling in the background.

I look over to Jj deciding that now is as good a time as any to tell them our news officially. JJ nods slightly. "Hey umm. We have to tell you guys something ''I say trying to avoid eye contact.

"You owe me 5 Pope" John B yells from the water swimming over to the dock.

"What?" I say looking between the two boys.

"They made a bet on when you guys would tell us." Kie said wrapping her towel around her and walking over to me.

"You knew?" JJ turned to Pope

"Yeah, you guys are terrible at hiding it" Pope says packing up the drones as if it was no big deal.


*knock, Knock*

I walked over to the back door, seeing JJ and Pope, JJ had a massive smile on his face and Pope looked nervous.

"What did you do?" i asked looking directly at JJ

"What? Nothing!" he said offended.

"Why are you smiling like that and Pope looks like he's about to die of a panic attack?" I questioned walking through the doorway between the two boys.

"We're going surfing! Did you wanna join?" JJ asked, changing the subject before running to the shead and getting his board out. Pope avoided making eye contact and grabbed his board that was resting up against the wall on my house.

I rolled my eyes "we are not finished talking about this!" I yelled after JJ, walking down to grab my board following the path he had just taken. Pope, walking Next to me avoiding looking at me directly.

The three of us walked down the path seeing John B and Kie sitting on their boards in the water looking like they were mid conversation.

"We should let them......" I say turning to see the boys already running out to the waves.

"Hey! Save some waves for us!" JJ yells, as we all race towards the water. We make our way out to where John B and Kie are sitting in their boards, floating looking and writing for us to join them.

"Hey, where have you been?" Kie asks us once we all make it and get situated on our boards.

We all spend the next hour surfing together and having fun, before making our way back to John B's places.

"You really think it's out there? Like, no bullshit?" Pope asked looking out into the distance as we all sit in the hammocks in the tree near the dock.

"My father thought it was." John B, says following Popes gase out to the ocean.

"But do you?" Pope questions him thuther.

"After hearing his voice on that tape... I think I do." John B responds to Pope

"Only one way to find out." Pope replies holding his fit out to which John B does the same completing their handshake

"Look, we're gonna find it, you know?" I say looking over towards John B.

"Even JJ believes." Kie states looking over to JJ

"Oh, my God, JJ, do you really believe?" John B says in a mocking tone

"Totally. Wait. Are we talking about five mil?" JJ says

"Five hundred mil." I say looking up at him

"I'm gonna dream about shipwrecks." JJ says pulling me in for a tighter hug resting his head on mine before calling out to John B. "Good night, Bird!"

"Good night, bird shit!" John B responds causing the rest of us to laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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