~Chapter 25: Talon~

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(A/N) Ignore the spelling mistakes, lol. I'm not gonna fix them anytime soon.


RYAN'S POV (But it's not a backflash rn)

Ryan sighed as he heard his cell door opening. He didn't bother to look up as someone stepped in, nearing him.

"It is almost time for your execution," they mused.

Ryan felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Better get ready."

Ryan looked up to see the man who was talking to him, and was greeted by gleaming yellow eyes. The man smirked. "You really messed up big time, huh?" He continued talking, leaning against the doorway.
"I mean, you really screwed up..... I guess you knew that, though. Since you're going to die."

"What are you doing here?" Ryan asked, glaring at the man.

He crossed his arms, staring menacingly at Ryan. "I came to drop off some visitors."

Ryan didn't have time to react before Jack and some other dude's unconscious bodies were thrown into the cell with him. His eyes widened as he stared at Jack, trying to crawl closer to his little brother but to no avail. (Darn chains).

The other man gave a small wave before walking out and closing the door.

A few minutes of silence passed as Ryan stared at the two. He couldn't believe Jack--and whoever this other dude was--were here.

Speaking of the other dude, Ryan could see him starting to stir.

Ryan stayed still, not knowing if this guy was good or bad. He looked like bad news, but looks could be deceiving.

Finally, the guy woke up and slowly pushed himself up off of the ground. He didn't notice Ryan in the corner, and immediately went to Jack's side, trying to shake him awake.

Jack was out cold, though.

Ryan heard the man mutter something incoherent and sigh.

Ryan continued to hide in the shadows, observing him. The man wore a very concealing mask, and a a bunch of weapons the Court of Owls hadn't bothered to confiscate (it's not like a gun could stop them, anyway).

Ryan almost screamed when their eyes met. He could practically feel the other man's surprise, but he quickly recovered.

"Hello?" Ryan said, figuring he might as well engage in some sort of conversation before he died.

The other guy didn't answer though. Instead, he nervously approached Ryan.

Ryan felt confused and scared. He self-consciously moved away when the guy knelt down beside him.

"I'm Azrael," he said, introducing himself.

Ryan paused before responding. "I'm Ryan."

Azrael slightly laughed. "I know. I've come to help you."

"I- Why? Do I know you?"

Azrael sat down next to him.

He sadly shook his head. "No. You knew me once, but not now."

Something in the way Azrael talked reminded him of something, and he tried to bite back tears as nostalgia hit him.

Azrael then surprised him by pulling him into a hug, allowing Ryan to cry.


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