~Chapter 18: Who?~

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(A/N) This chapter is gonna be extra weird just for you.


Jack woke up with a groan, rolling onto his side and squeezing his eyes shut.
His head ached and his tears had dried.

Light streamed into the room, making it hard for him to slip into slumber again.

After about 10 minutes, he finally sat up, yawning and putting his hat back on. He blinked a bit, feeling his surroundings begin to come back into focus.

He glanced around before jumping up, panicked.

There was a number of things wrong.

First: His apartment was spotless. Everything was neatly cleaned. Even the couch had no hints of blood on it.

Second: His costume was washed and folded, and was placed nicely on the cleaned table. (He had changed into normal clothes the night before)

Third: Ryan was missing. Completely gone.

Fourth: Shay was wearing a red bowtie that Jack didn't recognize at all.

"What the hell?" Jack muttered, pinching himself to see if he was dreaming.

Shay looked very pleased with herself, and wagged her tail excitedly as she walked over to Jack, sporting her red bowtie.

Jack rushed through the apartment, looking everywhere for Ryan. Did he do all this? That's impossible... He was dying before.


There was no answer.

Jack began to get worried, afraid something had happened. He was really confused.

He eventually stopped at a window where a series of notes were.
Jack read them, starting from the top.

First Note: I'm going to get milk, don't worry.

And it looked like the next note replied to it. It was a different handwriting. So there were two people here.... But who?

Second Note: No. How many times do I have to tell you that I already got milk?

Fourth Note: Fine. I'll get some water.

Fifth Note: He has a sink. You literally have no reason to go to the store.

Sixth Note: Stop making so much noise. You're gonna wake Jack up.

Seventh Note: How would you like to clean his whole apartment?

Eighth Note: Nobody's making you clean his apartment, idiot.

Ninth Note: Get back in here and finish your food or else I'm eating it.

The tenth note was scribbled, making it impossible to read.

Jack was even more confused than before. The notes had made zero sense, and he felt disoriented.

"What?" He walked around a bit more, stumbling upon yet another series of notes. This time, they were on the table next to his costume.
The person who wrote the first note last time, also wrote the first note here. According to handwriting.

First Note: Here's some milk, Jack. I went and got you some :)

And sure enough, there was a gallon of milk on the table.

Second Note: I told you there was already some in the fridge! Also, you can't just leave milk out like this.

Third Note: Where's the scissors? I'm making Shay a bowtie.

Fourth Note: Why?

Fifth Note: 'Cause, she'll look adorable wearing one. So where are the scissors?

Sixth Note: How should I know? I don't live here.

Seventh Note: Fine, I'll just ask Jack. You're no help.

The last note was written more sloppy, like the person was in a rush.

"I guess that explains Shay's bowtie?..." Jack was even MORE confused, which seemed impossible.
What happened while he was asleep? Why were two people using notes to communicate in his apartment? Where the hell was Ryan?!

Jack ran through his apartment again, finding more notes stuck to walls and stuff. Most of them said simple things, like: Don't forget to take the trash out. Or: I thought I told you to give Shay a bath.

It was like whoever left the notes thought they lived here.
And whoever left them must have also treated Jack's wounds, too. He was wrapped in gauze, and his body didn't hurt as much as it did earlier. So the people who were here weren't bad, right? Jack was still unnerved, however.

He found that the first notes in the two series were written by Ryan, after some investigating. He had no idea who the person replying to them was, though.

Going back to the window, he noticed another note taped directly above him.

I'm sorry, but I need to go. Bye!

The note was signed by Ryan, and Jack gripped it in his hands. He had lost all sense of sanity with these notes.

"What a way to say 'Goodbye'," he muttered.

He fixed his hat, preparing to go after Ryan. Ryan was hurt and probably in pain somewhere. After all, he hadn't fully recovered. Why did he leave, anyway? He was delusional.


Fifteen minutes passed by as Jack got ready to search for Ryan. A knock at the door sounded.

Intrigued, Jack opened it, putting a bright smile on despite being worried about where Ryan was.

It was the man in the big trenchcoat again. He wore a mask that covered the lower part of his face, up to his nose, and big sunglasses. Jack could also tell he used a voice scrambler when he talked, making for a good disguise.

"Your friend's in trouble. I suggest you come with me."

"What?" Jack inched away from the door a little. How did this guy know Ryan was missing?

The man sighed, and Jack couldn't tell what he was thinking. "I'll explain in a bit, but right now, we need to find him before night comes."

(A/N) Woaahhh, I'm so done with this book. I know it's weird, but like, oh well. You can't just read a fanfiction and expect it to NOT be weird. That's not how it works.

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