~Chapter 8: Enemies~

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(A/N) Yeah, okay. I know it might not seem like it, but I DO have a plan for this story. I promise. Just read until the end and it will hopefully make sense x-x

Jack flinched when Ryan used his smoke bombs, shrouding the room in grey mist. Jack immediately moved to put his Bat-gas-mask on, trying to stop Ryan from getting away.

He couldn't find him, though. Ryan had already fled the scene, leaving Jack alone once again.

He moved out of the smoke, grabbing Lee's limp body on his way out of the building. It was sleeping gas, and the bird had been exposed to it.

After leaving the building, Jack tore off his gas mask, taking in deep breaths.
Something was plaguing his mind, and he had trouble pushing the thought away. Actually, two very specific things were on his mind.

What happened after that night in the alleyway? If Ryan wasn't dead, why didn't he come back home? What happened to him?

Time skip: The Next Day

Jack decided to leave Lee at the apartment with Shay. He didn't really like carrying a sleeping Robin around, and he'd rather be alone at the moment.

Sighing, Jack kneeled over Adam's grave, gently putting a bouquet of flowers on it.
He sat there by himself, staring into space. He didn't know what to do with the whole Ryan drama, but he knew Adam would. He could really use some advice.
He could really use some help.

He really needed Adam.

Jack sat there a while longer, not wanting to go.

"Am I even helping people?"
If he wasn't, why bother?

Sighing again, he moved to leave, but stopped in his tracks. Something caught his eye. Stepping closer, he found wood chippings and a few shoe prints that weren't his. Curious, he examined them. He was the only one that still visited Adam's grave--everyone had already moved on. So who was here recently?

"Come here often?" Ryan asked, standing beside him.

Jack grumbled something under his breath. "Yes."

"Oh, cool."

An awkward silence dragged on. It was especially awkward since they had a fight the other night, but neither spoke of it. Jack was too busy trying to figure out who left all the wood chippings, anyway.

Ryan gave a small smile and placed a rose on Adam's grave.

"Why'd you do that?"

"What do you mean?" Ryan asked.

"You obviously have amnesia or something, so you don't even remember Adam."

Ryan shrugged. "Are you jealous or something? Do you want someone to give you flowers?"

Jack glared at him. "Of course not. Batman doesn't need flowers!"

"Don't worry. I'll buy you a rose, if you really want one," he said. "No big deal."

Jack couldn't refrain from rolling his eyes. "What are you even doing here? Aren't you supposed to be stealing something?"

"Aren't you supposed to be stopping me, then?"


Jack eyed Ryan suspiciously. "I can't understand why you're here, though."

Ryan avoided the question, and instead asked, "You miss him, don't you?"

Jack turned his attention back to Adam's grave. He wanted to answer, but couldn't find the right words.

"I'll take that as a yes," Ryan said.

Jack turned away from the grave, starting to leave the cemetery.
Ryan chased after him, telling Jack to wait. "Where are you going?"

"Why do you care?" Jack snapped, feeling the result of many sleepless nights getting to him. At least the LSD was wearing off.

Ryan just smiled. "You seem familiar, that's why."

"That's because I'm your brother, idiot," Jack deadpanned.

He expected Ryan to deny it again, or maybe knock him over the head with something, but Ryan didn't do either of those things.

"What was I like before?" He asked, genuinely wanting to know, but seeming shy about it.

Jack was surprised by the question, and paused to think.

He started to answer, but something distracted him. A dozen police cars circled around an average sized building, sirens wailing.
"What's going on?" Jack asked. Ryan eyed the scene, looking as confused as Jack.

He could see a small family, gathered around a detective who was currently trying to calm them down. A shattered window (r.i.p the window repair guy), and blood.

But what stuck out the most was small, almost unnoticeable wood chips.

"Excuse me, officer. Can I get past this tape?" Jack asked, earning a stern "No" from the policeman.

He let out a frustrated groan. He needed to look at the wood chippings now. They could be the same ones that were near Adam's grave.

"I need to get in there!"

"Oh, pfftt. Getting in there is easy," Ryan said.

"Really? How?"

"Follow me," he replied, leading Jack to an unoccupied part of the crime scene.
He then glanced at the yellow tape before stepping over it.
"See? Easy."

Jack looked around before stepping over the tape, too, and joining Ryan on the other side.

"I was expecting more hesitance from you," Ryan admitted.

Jack shrugged. "I'm Batman."

(A/N) This is the longest chapter I've made... Yay.

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