~Chapter 12: Intoxicated~

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(A/N) This story is a cringey nightmare, haha.


Jack straightened, walking over to Nightwing. "I think I found something....." He said, trailing off. His focus was still on the note, so he accidentally ran into Ryan because he wasn't really paying attention.

"Sorry," Jack muttered, rubbing his eyes and handing Ryan the note.

"It's okay," he responded, taking the note and reading it.

The letters were quick and slightly slanted, like whoever wrote it was in a rush. The paper was wrinkled from being between the couch cushions, and Jack wondered if it had always been there. It couldn't have been, though. The police would've noticed it, too. So that meant that whoever wrote it had put it there for Jack to find.

The handwriting, however, didn't match the one from the last note he found, which disappointed him.

Ryan read the note aloud, a weary look on his face. "Waylon Jones did it."

Jack was puzzled, fixing his hat that was tilted to the side. "Who the hell is Waylon Jones?"

Ryan shrugged. "I'm guessing we're about to meet him. The note has directions to his location on the back."

Jack took the note from Ryan's hands, glancing at the directions. "This leads to a sewer. It must be wrong."

Ryan gave a wry smile. "Why do you think that? I wouldn't be surprised if the rat who did this DID live in a sewer."

Jack still looked hesitant. "What if it's a trap?"

"But what if it isn't? We could catch this guy!"

He stared at Ryan, unsure if he should take the risk and go after this "Waylon Jones" guy.

"You'll have my back, right Nightwing?"

Ryan nodded, giving Jack a genuine grin. "I promise."

Lee flew over to them, boredly ruffling his feathers.

Jack felt a surge of energy, a bright smile lighting up his face. "Well, this is the best lead we've got! Let's goooooooo to the sewers!"

They left the house behind, following the note's instructions.

They arrived to the sewer entrance ten minutes later. It was covered in wet leaves that mostly hid the small opening they were supposed to fit through.

"All right. Let's go," Jack said, pulling out a bat-flashlight and turning it on.

Lee made a face that could be classified as a grimace, and flew to a high tree branch, refusing to go near the dark tunnel.

Ryan sighed before following Jack into the hole. "I guess Robin will stand guard out here."

They walked beside the disgusting green river of sludge, careful not to fall in. "This place stinks," said Ryan. "I don't understand why any criminal would be down here."

Jack nodded his agreement, keeping his guard up.

They walked a bit farther, until the once still sewer water began to slightly tremble. Jack realized they weren't alone at the moment, and there was something in the water. It was also getting closer at an alarming rate.

Jack roughly grabbed Ryan's arm, and started running. "We have to go, Nightwing! There's something in here!"

They rushed to get out, but the entrance they came through was blocked. Someone had trapped them in there with a monster.

Jack let out a strangled cry of frustration as he kicked at the closed metal bars. "It was a trap," he said, bitterly.

Ryan moved to comfort Jack the best he could, but he ended up just awkwardly patting his back. "We'll get through this. Who knows? Maybe what you heard or saw was just a rat."

"A rat?! That doesn't make it better!"

"Well, it's better than a giant scary monster."

Jack frowned. "I saw something. It was big and it was horrifying. AND it's coming after us. We're doomed."

Ryan smiled hopefully. "We're Batman and Nightwing! I'm sure we can take on whatever you saw."

Jack let out a deep breath, calming a bit. Maybe it was his imagination, but they were still trapped down here with murderer, Waylon Jones.

After calming down all the way, Jack's cool demeanor returned and he let go of Ryan's arm. "Come on. We need to find this guy."

It wasn't long before Jack heard something in the water again, which put him on edge. He tried to ignore it, but the water was moving right next to them, indicating that there was something following them.

Jack was about to warn Ryan, but suddenly, a scaly monster lunged out of the abyss, grabbing Nightwing and plunging back into the water and swimming away.

Batman was caught off guard, but immediately started chasing after the beast. It looked like a giant reptile, but Jack didn't really get a good look. He just knew it would probably kill Ryan if he didn't get there soon.

He was scared, but he had to save Nightwing. Adrenaline coursed through him as he followed the sloshing water, hoping Ryan could hold his breath.

(A/N) Okay, this was a mess, but yeah. Y'all probably know who Waylon Jones is O.O

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