~Chapter 16: It Hurts~

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(A/N) Thanks so much for 333 reads!! <3

Also, if it's NOT Jack's POV, I will state that. But otherwise, it's just Jack's POV.

Waylon snarled, watching Jack's struggling begin to falter. "You're pathetic, and it's pretty sad."

Jack didn't respond. He couldn't respond.

"You've lasted long, but you haven't really gotten far with stopping me. What a shame."

Waylon gave a toothy grin, taunting Jack. "Jason died with a snap of my fingers. He was easy to kill.... Just like you."

Jack clawed at the crocodile's tough skin, his hands turning bloody, begging to be let free.

"You're weak, Hat-Man," Waylon Sneered.

Jack coughed, his red hands falling to his sides. He felt dizzy, but oh, was he sick of people calling him that! Now angry, Jack used the little bit of energy he had left to pull out a batarang.

Quickly and skillfully, he dove the weapon into the crocodile's left eye. Blood spewed out, and Waylon let go of Jack, screeching in agony whilst covering his face.

Jack gasped in multiple breaths, his lungs hurting and starving for air.

He barely had time to recover before Croc was on him again, roaring with anger and irritation. "You're going to regret that!"

Jack flinched, taking a step back and almost falling into the murky water.

Croc growled, but the sound was cut short by a loud clank! And an even louder thump! as Waylon's body fell to the ground, silent.

Jack's eyes widened at the crocodile's unconscious form, surprised yet relieved.

"Jack! Oops- I mean, Batman!"

Jack's attention averted to the person addressing him. "Nightwing?"

Ryan nodded, smiling despite being covered in blood. Wait.... Was he bleeding?

"What are you doing!? You're wounded, Ry!" Jack scolded--which felt kind of weird.

Ryan turned sheepish. "Well, I- I came to help. You see, this crocodile man was going to hurt you, so I grabbed this pipe and hit him over the head with it. I didn't notice I was bleeding... Or maybe I did? Maybe that's why there's this cloth tied around my stomach? I can't really remember the last few hours-"

Jack shushed him, noticing that Waylon was beginning to stir. He quickly grabbed Ryan's arm, and was surprised when Ryan winced in pain and moved his arm away.

"What's wrong?"

"It's broken."

"He broke your arm?" Jack asked, pissed.

Ryan nodded, his smile turning bitter. "Let's just get out of here," he said, cradling his arm.

Jack's voice was hoarse and his lungs ached, so he only nodded in return. He began leading Ryan away from Waylon's body.

They walked a few feet away before Jack realized he couldn't just leave Waylon there.

Sighing, he rummaged around in his utility belt for something to keep Waylon trapped so the cops could take him away later.

"Do I get one of those?" Ryan asked.

Jack wasn't paying a lot of attention, his mind occupied. "Hm?"

"One of those belt thingies."

"Why? Do you need one?" Jack asked, pulling out a small device and putting some of Waylon's blood into it--which had sprayed onto Jack when he stabbed him in the eye--and attaching it to the wall closest to Waylon's unconscious body. The device would detect Croc's movements and send out an electric shock if the monster tried to get away. Jack hoped it would stop him from getting away, and prayed the police wouldn't have too much difficulty with Waylon.

"Well, I mean, yeah. I don't really have anything to defend myself with. I just have this costume you made me, and that's it," Ryan explained.

"I'll think about it," Jack said, starting to walk away again.

Ryan followed, and so did Lee. Jack just noticed Lee was there, and was relieved. If Robin got in, then there was a chance there was an exit. Or at the very least, Lee could try and get help.

"You'll think about it?"

"Yeah, I'll think about it. Don't think I've forgotten about what you've done," Jack replied, slightly irritated. It had been a long night.

"You still don't trust me?"

"Of course not."

Ryan fell silent, but Jack was sure he heard a small "Oh."


Minutes dragged on, and Ryan was having trouble walking because of his lightheadedness. Jack was beginning to fear the worst. They needed to treat his injuries, and fast.

Lee was leading them to the entrance/exit he found, and Jack wished he'd go faster, but the bird was completely oblivious to their situation--or maybe Lee just didn't care.

"What?" Ryan asked, completely out of the blue, which confused Jack.


Ryan shushed Jack, obviously delirious. "Whaaaattt???"

Jack opened his mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by Ryan.

"Be quiet!" He whispered. "Don't you hear that? Someone's saying something."

Jack closed his mouth, grumpily, and began to listen.

He couldn't hear anything, though. "What am I supposed to listen to-"

"Nevermind..... I might've imagined it. But I swear I thought I heard him, and I-"

It was Jack's turn to interrupt. "Who?"

Ryan gave Jack a sideways glance before shaking his head slowly--careful not to make himself too dizzy. "It doesn't matter."

Jack wanted to ask who "him" was, but decided against it. Ryan was obviously not in the right state of mind, probably because of all the blood he lost.

Sighing, Jack continued to follow Lee and began helping Ryan walk.

(A/N) This story makes zero sense, haha...

I'm very sorry. Y'all can just ignore this book.

Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.

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