Chapter 17- Monster

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In the camp, Myra announces: ''Everyone, listen! Since our Group-4 leader from the hunter group, Tobi is dead we need a new one. The next Group-4 leader from the hunter group is going to be Ace!'' Everyone cheers and Ace seems surprised. Ace asks Myra: ''Why me?'' She answers: ''Why not? You are a good hunter and you were always by Tobi's side. I know Tobi would have chosen you as well. I trust you and the others also do. So, congratulations!'' Ace smiles and says: ''Thank you.''

In the next morning, Myra gets a letter from Ben from Camp-8. Myra reads it and says: ''Damn it! Taylor from Camp-10 attacked Camp-5 and destroyed the camp. They were one of our allies. And most of all, Lucy was my friend. Another person I couldn't protect.'' Everyone is shocked and Leila says: ''Don't worry. We still have more allies and fighters than him. We can still win the war. This would be the wish of Tobi and Lucy.'' Myra says: ''The question is for how long. I have to send more letters to our other allies so that they increase their guards and be more careful.'' Leila asks: ''But how was he able to win against them? Camp-5 had one of the best fighters.'' Myra says: '' I don't know. That's worrying me the most. Where is Ray? I have to tell him too.'' Leila responds: ''He is training the others.'' Myra says: ''Good. I will tell him later.''

On her way to Ray, Ace wants to talk with her: ''Myra? Can I speak to you?'' Myra responds: ''Not now. I am in a bad mood.'' Ace says: ''It won't take long.'' Myra says: ''Okay. What do you want?'' Ace says: ''I want to talk about Aiden. I think it's better if you stop torturing him and finally kill him.'' Myra gets angry: ''Who the f*ck are you talking to? You are giving me orders? I can do with him whatever I want. Don't you think that you can order me around since you became the leader of Group-4? I gave you this position so don't forget that.'' Ace says: ''And I am grateful for that. I didn't want to order you around. I just think that it's better for you if you would let it go.'' Myra asks: ''Let what go?'' Ace answers: ''Tobi. You haven't killed Aiden yet because you are still holding on to Tobi.'' Myra says: ''Are you now a therapist? I don't know what you are talking about. I am not in the mood for this. Let's speak later.'' When Myra was about to go Ace says: ''It's the same thing with Joe. You didn't want to let him go and that's why you tortured Taylor's people.'' Myra has enough. She turns around and grabs Ace by his shirt and says: ''I don't care what you think. I do whatever I want. You don't know anything about me. I won't accept your behavior another time. Remember that.'' She lets him go and goes to Ray and talks about Camp-7.

An hour later Myra is on her way to Aiden again. She says: ''I am really pissed so this will make my mood a lot better. Let's see. Let's cut an ear off.'' Myra grabs her knife and cuts Aidens right ear off. She says: ''Now your face looks uneven. Let's cut the other one too.'' She grabs her knife again and cuts his other ear too. She says: ''That was fun but I still don't have enough. How about I cut the skin under your chin off?'' Aiden says: ''Kill me.'' Myra punches him: ''No. Don't ask again. It gets on my nerves.'' Aiden says: ''You are like me, you know that right?'' She says: ''Oh really? How?'' Aiden responds: ''You like torturing people.'' Myra laughs: ''Of course, if it's a basta*d like you. This is what you deserve for what you did to Tobi.'' Aiden says: ''No, that's not why you do it. You take Tobi as an excuse for what you are doing. I already suffered more than him but you still haven't had enough. You will never get enough of this. You try to play the good one but you have a monster inside you. Just like me. You like torturing people. You like killing people. You don't feel bad about what you do. It's fun for you. Am I right?'' Myra seems like she is scared. Aiden says: ''What? So I am right. Did I discover your true self? You are a monster who plays the good one. Take a good look at me because you are someone like me. How long will it take until everyone else releases that? No one wants to be friends with a person like you. Someone who is as evil and bad as you. Then you will be alone.'' Myra loses control and punches Aiden until he fells with his chair on the ground. But she doesn't stop. She continues beating him and says: ''I am not. I am not. I am a good person. I am not like you.'' Aiden's face is full of blood and he lost consciousness but Myra doesn't stop until someone grabs her arm. She turns around and sees Ace. He asks: ''What are you doing? Are you alright?'' Myra doesn't answer him and just stares at him with big eyes. She seems like in trance. Her hands are bleeding and are hurt from all the beating she did. Ace says: ''Myra, your hands. We have to treat them. Myra? Do you hear me?'' Myra says in a low voice: ''Am I like him? A monster?'' Ace is confused and says: ''Like who? What are you talking about? Let's go now. I will sent Bryan to treat Aidens wounds. I will take care of you.''

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