Chapter 16- Final Goodbye

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The next day, Tessa and Adrian are finally back in Camp-19. Everyone gathers around them and is happy to see them again. Ray sees both of them holding hands and says: ''Look at this. It seems like we have a new couple in this camp.'' Myra interrupts and says: ''I am glad that you two are alright. Is everything okay in Camp-8?'' Tessa answers: ''Yes. You can trust Ben. He is a good person. They won't betray us.'' Myra smiles: ''Well, I hope so. Can I speak to you two privately?'' Now the three of them are alone and Myra says: ''I have something to tell you.'' Adrain interrupts her ad says: ''We already know. Too bad we weren't there at his funeral.'' Myra says: ''Yes, I am sorry. I will show you where his grave is but I think you two already know where we buried him.'' Adrain says: ''At his favorite place of course. When he wasn't in the camp or hunting then he was always there.'' Myra says: ''Yeah. I want Ace, Ray, Leila, Bryan and you two to come with me to his grave. I want to go somewhere else after that with you all.'' Tessa says: ''Okay but where?'' Myra says: ''You will see.''

Myra and the others go to Tobi's grave and Myra says: ''At his funeral, we said something about Tobi but if you two don't want to then it's okay.'' Adrian says: ''I want to say something. As a kid, I didn't like Tobi to be honest. I don't know why. Maybe because everyone wanted to play with him instead of me and I was jealous. But then one day, when I was playing by myself Tobi asked me what I am doing here alone. I was upset and told him to go. He ignored me and offered me to play with him. I refused. The next day he asked me again to play with him and I refused again. This went on for like a week and then I finally agreed. He was really stubborn. But it made fun to play with him and from this day on we became good friends. I just wish I could have seen him one last time.'' Adrain starts crying and says: ''Tessa, it's your turn now.'' Tessa says: ''I remember when Tobi and I played together. I climbed on a tree and fell. I couldn't walk but Tobi carried me all the way back. He was exhausted and I told him that I can walk but he knew I was lying. Then in the camp, Joe wanted to treat my wound but Tobi insisted to do that because he should have watched better over me. He thought it was his fault that I was hurt. I don't know why but he always felt responsible for us. He was truly a kind soul.'' Myra says: ''Thank you two. I want to go somewhere else to say our final goodbye to Tobi. All of us grew up with Tobi just like siblings except Ace. But Tobi always spoke about you and you and Tobi seemed like good friends, so I think he wants you to be also there. Just follow me.'' They follow Myra until they are there. Ace says: ''I was here once with you.'' Myra says: ''That's right. The Soul tree. We still haven't carved his name into it. So who wants to do it?'' Everyone already seems to know who should do it. Bryan says: ''I think you should do it, Myra. You knew him the longest and were like his sister.'' Everyone nods and agrees. Myra smiles: ''Okay, then I will do it.'' Myra takes her knife and carves Tobi's name into the tree next to Joe's name. She says: ''I think this spot is good next to Joe. Now they can watch together after us.'' Everyone smiles.

In the evening Myra is on her way to Aiden. She still hasn't forgotten about him and visits him everyday to torture him. She takes some weapons with her and the bag with the snake as well. Myra says: ''So let's see what we are going to do today. By the way, how was the poison? I didn't know it would take hours until the pain is over. My bad, I guess.'' Aiden responds: ''Burn in hell.'' Myra laughs: ''You can still talk? How about I cut your tongue off? No, I think I have a better idea. How about I take this pliers and pull out some of your teeth? Yeah, this would be better. Here I go.'' Aiden screams but Myra shows no mercy: ''This is number one. I think another two would be good. Don't move.'' She pulls another two teeth out while Aiden screams and says: ''The tooth fairy is going to be happy. So let's continue. Yesterday I told you that the snake is going to bite you two times today. I am asking myself if the pain will be double as painful or it would be longer in your system. Or both who knows.'' She takes the snake and lets it bit him once on the neck and once on his shoulder. Aiden immediately starts screaming. Myra says: ''Tell me tomorrow how it was.'' When Myra was about to leave she hears Aiden saying: ''Please, just kill me.'' Myra laughs: ''I don't think so. I haven't had enough yet. Anyway good night.'' Myra turns around and sees Ace standing there. Myra asks: ''What are you doing here?'' He responds: ''It is already late and you weren't in the camp, so I wanted to know where you are.'' Myra says: ''I can look after me. Don't worry. Let's go back. I have some exciting news for you and everyone needs to know.'' Ace asks: ''What news?'' Myra says: ''You will see when we are back.''

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