Chapter 11- Torture

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Tobi wakes up. He doesn't know where he is. He is in another camp and tied up at a tree. Then a man walks towards him and says: ''Welcome to Camp-6! I am Aiden, the leader. I hope you will have a fun time here.'' Tobi asks: ''Why am I here?'' Aiden smirks: ''Aren't you from Camp-19? Myra's camp? Then this means we are enemies since I am allied with Taylor.'' Tobi says: ''You are really allied with Camp-10? I didn't know that other leaders want Taylor to be superior to them.'' Aiden says: ''Well he offered me some things that are truly worth it.'' Tobi asks: ''And what?'' Aiden laughs: ''You really think that I will tell you that? Also, you are not in the position to ask questions. You are here to answer some questions for me. Where do you guys storage your food, weapons, guns, and munitions? How many people are in your camp? How many can fight? What are the positions of your guards? The basic questions, you know. Just tell us everything and I will not harm you.'' Tobi laughs: '' You really think that I am going to betray my people? Just go on and do what you want. I won't tell you anything anyway.'' Aiden smirks: ''Well then, let the fun begin!''

Meanwhile in Camp-19 Myra starts to worry about Tobi because he still isn't back. She goes to Ace: ''I want to search for Tobi. He still isn't back.'' Ace asks: ''He still isn't back? Okay, then let's go.'' Myra and Ace are on the way and find some footprints. Then they see something suspicious. Myra says: ''Here are footprints from more than one person. This means there were other people. Also here is a little bit of blood. Someone has Tobi.'' Ace is worried: ''Are you sure?'' Myra responds: ''Not a hundred percent. We have to follow the other footprints to find out where he is. Do you have your weapons?'' Ace says: ''Sure.'' So they are on their way to find Tobi and after a while the footprints lead them to Camp-6. Myra and Ace hear some guys from Camp-6  talking: ''Did Aiden already start with his games? I almost feel sorry for this dude from Camp-19.'' Myra and Ace are alarmed. Myra says: ''They have him. We have to go back and come with more fighters.'' Ace asks: ''But can we really beat them?'' Myra says: ''Don't worry. I have a plan.''

Aiden comes back with some weapons and says: ''So I brought some toys so that we can play a little game. If you tell me what I want to know then you lose. If not then you win. Simple, right? But I don't think this will be easy for you. Also the punishment is a little bit of torture. I hope you don't mind. So let's start.'' Aiden takes a knife: ''Let's start easy and if you still don't tell me anything then it will hurt more and more. If you won't answer me now, then I will put this blade under your fingernail and slowly start to push it deeper into your flesh until the fingernail is gone. Fun, right? My first question is, how many guards do you guys have?'' Tobi just looks at him and doesn't say anything. Aiden starts to torture him. Tobi doesn't say anything even now, where he lost his fingernail. Aiden is impressed: ''You really didn't say anything. And didn't even scream. My respect. Let's level up. You don't really need your finger anymore, right? Do you mind if I cut it off? No? Well then answer my question.'' Tobi still doesn't say anything and lost his finger. Aiden laughs: '' I like you! We will have so much fun together! Let's see what we are going to do next. How about I take a part of your skin off? But where? I think on your chest would be a great idea, don't you think?'' Tobi still doesn't say anything. Aiden smiles: ''I warned you. So do me the favour and scream a little bit for me.'' He takes off a part of Tobi's skin but Tobi doesn't say anything or screams. Aiden is upset: ''Come on, didn't I tell you to scream? It doesn't make as much fun without hearing you scream. Let's see what it will take to make you scream.'' 

Myra and Ace are now back in Camp-19 and Myra alarms everyone: ''Listen! Tobi got captured by Camp-6! I want everyone who is able to fight to make themselves ready!'' Everyone does immediately what Myra says. Myra writes a letter for Camp-8 to come and help as back up. Ace is confused: ''But it will take too long for Camp-8 to be in time here.'' Myra answers: ''A few days ago Tessa and Adrian sent me a letter and wrote that everything is fine but also told me that Camp-8 is about to visit us to give us something as an excuse for the past behavior of their former leader, Leon. This means that they are by now, close to our camp. I want you to hurry and search for them. In this letter is everything explained for their current leader Ben. So hurry!'' Ace says: ''I understand. I am on my way.''

Meanwhile Tobi still gets more and more tortured. Tobi still doesn't say anything or screamed. Aiden get's angry: ''You know what, this isn't as much fun as I imagined. You are boring me. So let's get serious now.'' Aiden brings two long ropes and ties Tobi up on his two arms between two trees. Aiden gets a whip and says: ''I will whip you to death if you don't answer already. That is your last warning.'' Tobi still doesn't say anything. Aiden laughs: ''Let's see how long you gonna last!'' He starts whipping Tobi's back until his shirt is now in shreds and his skin starts to get read and bloody but Tobi resists and doesn't make any noise. Aiden smiles: ''Well then, let's take another whip. This one has metal needles on it. This will take much of your skin off. Trust me. This will hurt really bad. Stop playing the tough guy and answer.'' Tobi still doesn't say anything and Aiden gets even angrier: ''I will make sure that you will regret our choice!'' He starts whipping and more and more of Tobi's skin gets off and he bleeds very much. Aiden stops because he is too exhausted from whipping Tobi too hard and too long and says: ''You still won't talk?'' Tobi opens his mouth. Aiden is excited: ''And? Do you finally want to answer me?'' Tobi takes his last strength and laughs: ''Burn in hell you basta*d! When Myra is done with you, think about me! I win this game you as*shole!'' Aiden gets angry and starts whipping Tobi while screaming: ''Myra?! Why should I be afraid of a little girl?! Are you making fun of me?! Of me?! Don' forget who I am! When I am done with you, your beloved Myra won't even be able to recognize you!''

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