Chapter 8- Missing

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The children are starring at Myra without saying anything. They are scared to tell Myra the truth but Myra is losing her patience: ''And?! Won't you all answer me? Where is Emma?!'' One of the children says: ''Emma is always such a wimp and that's why we dared her to go alone into the forest for an hour but she still isn't back.'' Myra gets angry: ''And you all find this funny?! Something could happen to her! I am going to search after her. Just wait until I am back then we are going to talk.'' The children are ashamed and didn't know what to say.

Myra wakes everyone up: ''Camp-19 listen! Emma is missing! So group 1 to 4 is going to search after them! Group 5 except me stays here to protect the camp! Now hurry you idiots we don't have time!'' Lucy and her people hear what is going on and Lucy says: ''My people are helping too! Camp-5 we are helping our comrades so get a move on!'' Everyone is searching for Emma in the forest. Hours and hours long until the morning but no one could find Emma. Without Emma, they are going back. Myra is frustrated: ''Where the hell is she!? It can't be! And because of the rain we couldn't find footprints!'' Then Ray runs to Myra and screams: ''I found a letter!'' Myra reads the letter. The look on her face changes quickly and her expressions become angrier and angrier. She screams: ''These basta*ds from Camp-10!'' Ace is shocked: ''They have her? What else is written in there?'' Myra says: ''That I should meet them. 10 minutes north-west from here at a brook. I should take another person with me who can take the child with him. And of course unarmed.'' Ace is confused: ''Why another person?'' Lucy is annoyed: ''Are you that naive? You think they just found the child and will handle her over without wanting something? They want Myra because she is the leader.'' Ace gets loud: ''And you are just going to do what they say, Myra? You are the leader you can't leave the camp!'' Ace gets punched and his nose is now bleeding. Lucy punched him and gets angry: ''Watch your mouth you as*hole! Know your place! Is this how you speak to Myra who is your leader? Maybe she is too nice to you and didn't teach you manners but I sure will!'' Myra interrupts them: ''That's enough! I am going. No discussion. Ace you come with me and take Emma with you. The others stay here. Until I am back Bryan will lead this camp until Tobi, my right hand is back.'' Ace can't believe what she is going to do but he has no other choice than to follow her.

After 10 minutes Myra and Ace are there. 3 people from Camp-10 are standing there with Emma. Emma immediately screams: ''Myra! Please help me!'' Myra stays calm and tells Emma to not panic but something was off. Myra seems to know their faces. And then she sees that one man is missing a hand. Then she remembers. When Ace was the first time hunting with Tobi they got in trouble with some members from Camp-10 because of a deer. After they fought each other Myra stepped in and cut one member who was about to shoot Ace, a handoff. Now one man of the group is speaking: ''According to your expression you seem to recognize us.'' Ace is confused but then he remembers too after having a good look at their faces. He knows that this is going to be even more problematic. They want her as a revenge. Myra still stays calm and asks: ''Where is Taylor?'' One of them responds: ''It would have been too troublesome to tell him about our revenge so he doesn't know that we are here.'' Myra says: ''I see. Well then hand over the child.'' The man with the missing hand laughs: ''Well it seems like you already know what we want. I see that you came unarmed. That's good. Now slowly walk towards us and we will let her go. And you, boy! Any sudden moves from you and I will shoot her!'' Myra says to Ace: ''Just trust me and go with Emma. I can handle this.'' She starts walking and the enemy lets Emma go. She runs to Ace while crying. He takes her in his arms and goes back to Camp-19. 

Ace runs with Emma back to the camp and explains the situation to the others. Lucy already has a plan: ''We don't have enough time. You said there are just 3 of them. That's good. We will go to the place where those people waited for Myra. Of course, they will be gone by now but from there on we can track them since the rain stopped. So let's go!'' They take some hunters with them who are used to track footprints and go. 

15 minutes later they found some footprints who could lead to Myra. They follow them and found her. Ace is nervous and is afraid that something could have happened to Myra. Then he sees her but he couldn't believe what he sees. Everywhere was blood. These 3 men are dead and Myra is standing there with a knife in her hand and covered with blood. Ace can't believe it. How can she defeat 3 of them on her own? Myra says: ''You guys are late. I have already done the work.'' Ace asks: ''But how?'' Myra explains: ''Because those 3 are dumb. I had a blade under my tongue. When they tied my hands up and didn't pay attention I took it and cut the strings open. I saw that one of them had a knife on the right side of his belt. I waited until 2 of them walked infront of me and 1 was staying with me. I quickly covered his mouth so he couldn't make any noise and took his knife and sliced his throat. The others didn't hear anything so I sneaked behind another one and stabbed him in the back. The other one shoot at me but I used the body of the man that I just stabbed as a shield. I knew which gun he had so I knew how often he could shoot until he needed to reload. So I counted and when he was about to reload I ran towards him and stabbed him.'' Ace is amazed: ''You are amazing! You are like a machine!'' Myra smiles. Lucy laughs: ''You are lucky that you are so fast. Otherwise this could have ended badly.'' Myra says: ''Yeah but I was lucky.'' 

Lucy gets worried: ''But now after killing some members of Camp-10, Taylor will attack us. Then this war will begin earlier than we thought.'' Myra says: ''No he won't. He doesn't even know that they are here. They went on their own. We just need to cover our tracks and hide the corpses so that they won't found them, then they will never know what happened.'' Ace is surprised: ''So that's why you asked them why Taylor isn't here?'' Myra responds: ''Yes. I was suspicious since Taylor didn't sign the letter. But to be sure I asked them.'' Ace gets loud: ''But what if he would have been there?! Then you would have been dead! You really risked that?'' Myra smiles: ''I suppose I did.'' Lucy gets angry again: '' Hey, didn't you learn your lesson you idiot? Don't speak so disrespectful to your leader or do I need to punch you again?'' Ace gets ashamed. Myra risks everything for her people and he complains about that. He realizes that now. He says: ''I am sorry Myra. I was in the wrong. I should have trusted your words.'' Myra laughs: ''Well at least you understand my decisions now. Now let's go back!''

Back in the camp, everyone is exhausted. Myra is about to look after Emma when she hears someone screaming: ''They are here!''

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